Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 787 The Battle of the Kings 15

Chapter 787 The Battle of the Kings 15
Negotiation scene.

The generals facing Beiming to the east were extremely angry, but they didn't dare to show it. They had already lowered their stance when they came here, and they were asked to wait in this icy and snowy place.

Seeing that everyone was assembled, Yan Hu carefully picked up the desk and read: "On behalf of Donglin Kingdom, the indemnity sent by your country Tianshui Kingdom cannot be accepted by our country. I hope we can discuss it again."

The generals of Xiyue Tianshui had expected long ago that they were indeed the lion's mouth, and they didn't expect Donglin Beiming to be willing to follow, and they expected to negotiate.

"The third prince of Donglin Kingdom, what do you think is reasonable?" Yi Shuihan took a look at Baili Wufeng and threw the question back.

"The city will be returned in full, and the rest of the money will be halved." Baili Wufeng was happy and angry, but it didn't mean he wasn't angry.

"Okay, but it needs to be covered by one person." Yi Shuihan clapped the case.

What?The general facing Beiming to the east was so startled that he almost fell off his chair. Tianshui Kingdom agreed so easily?They are also well prepared to launch a fierce negotiation.

The generals of Xiyue Tianshui were not surprised at all. They had already discussed that the payment was not less than half of the original amount, but they were a little surprised that His Royal Highness needed another person. Who exactly does His Royal Highness want?

"Who?" Baili Wufeng frowned, as if he had fallen into a trap.

"A Hundred Miles of Death." Yi Shui said coldly.

Ling Yiran was struck by lightning, and then burst out laughing, he was jealous, Wushang finally got what he wanted, he was not reconciled!

Mo Ningxun wasn't too surprised, he had already guessed that Shui Han would definitely save Wushang, the sarcastic words just now were just angry words, but now that he heard it from Shui Han's mouth, he was in a bad mood.

Wushang smiled, so excited that he almost crossed the red line immediately, and stood beside Yi Shuihan, who was still reluctant to part with him.

"What do you want him to do?" Baili Wufeng's eyes turned cold, Wushang's medical skills were unmatched, and anyone would get sick and injured, so he didn't intend to let Wushang go.

"I have my eye on him, okay?" Yi Shuihan said shamelessly.

As soon as this remark came out, the generals facing Beiming in the east had different expressions. It was true that the seventh prince of Tianshui Kingdom, Shui Han, was flirtatious and lustful. The fifth prince was indeed unparalleled in beauty. It's a disgrace.

Some generals in Xiyue Tianshui couldn't help laughing. They thought His Highness the Seventh Highness wanted a prince from the enemy country, and he deliberately insulted Donglin country.

Baili Wufeng: "No, if you like beautiful men, I will give you another ten."

"I just like Baili Wushang, if it's just you, I will reluctantly accept it." Yi Shuihan's words were not surprising, and he continued to die.

Cough cough, the generals of Xiyue Tianshui held back one after another, looking like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

Reluctantly accepted?The general facing Beiming to the east wiped off his cold sweat, lowered his head as low as possible, and crouched like an ostrich.

Frost formed on Baili Wufeng's face, and he looked at Yi Shuihan with murderously cold eyes. Shuihan provoked him again and again, and his dignity was seriously threatened.

"Are you willing or not?" Yi Shuihan asked very 'sincerely'.

"Just Baili Wushang." Baili Wufeng almost gritted his teeth.

"Okay, the negotiation is over." Yi Shuihan clapped the case.

The next step is to sign an agreement, and then share the spoils with Xiyue Kingdom. This war is considered to be over. As for whether Baili Wufeng will make a comeback, it is hard to guess.

(End of this chapter)

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