Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 788 The Battle of the Kings 16

Chapter 788 The Battle of the Kings 16
Wushang stood up, entered the city gate with Yi Shuihan in an arrogant manner, and looked back at Ling Yiran, as if announcing his victory.

Ling Yiran froze in place, until her figure disappeared and the city gate was closed, then he turned and left. It hurt so much, so painful that he couldn't feel the pain anymore. He was numb. Farewell, maybe forever.


In the city, everyone cheered, no more wars, they can live with peace of mind.

Wushang walked up to Yi Shuihan and walked side by side with her.

Mo Ningxun walked behind and was sulking. If you have a new love, forget him? !Ruthless woman!

"Shui Han, you didn't throw away the painting I gave you, did you?" He wanted to see where he was in Shui Han's heart, remembering that when he gave her a gift before, she either lost it or threw it away.

Yi Shuihan: "I didn't throw it away."

Upon hearing this, Wushang was overjoyed, and asked with a smile, "Will you keep it forever?"

Yi Shuihan: "It's burned."

Burned?Wushang's smile froze, it didn't matter, he just continued to draw.

On the balcony of the restaurant, Rong Yun waved to her: "Shuihan, are you free to have lunch together?"

Yi Shuihan wailed in his heart, these people haven't left yet? !Sooner or later, she would die from eating with them!
In the end, they had to have lunch together. Yi Shuihan scanned the five of them, Mo Ningxun, Wushang, Qian Nuo, Rong Yun, Cheng Bi, this lineup, she couldn't eat anymore.

The meal was finally over.

"Shuihan, where are you going to put me?" Wushang asked shamelessly.

"Wushang, now that you are free, you can go wherever you like." Yi Shuihan said indifferently.

"Don't call me Wushang, call me Shuiyou." Wushang represents the identity of Donglin Kingdom, and Zhongli Shuiyou is him.

"Okay, Shuiyou, see you then." Yi Shuihan drank his last sip of tea, got up and left his seat, and went back to the barracks with Mo Ningxun.

Wushang froze, he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to leave, in the end he decided to stay and wait for Shuihan, the army would return to the court soon, and then he went back with Shuihan, his idea was very good.

The three of Rong Yun took a look at Wushang, reason, explanation.

Wushang: "My name is not Baili Wushang, but Zhongli Shuiyou. In short, I know Shuihan earlier than you."

The implication is that you didn't get there first, and I know the water cold better than you.

No matter how you hear this, it sounds provocative.

Chengbi sneered, "So what?"

Wushang said: "It's okay, but Ling Yiran also appeared in the negotiation just now, do you know what he said to Shui Han?"

When the three of them heard this, their curiosity was indeed aroused.

"What did you say?" Even Qian Nuo, who was always the calmest, couldn't hold back.

"That Ling Yiran is really shameless..." Wushang said it emphatically.

Everyone finally recognizes Wushang clearly, even Mo Ningxun is not as dark and treacherous as Wushang.


Three days later, the Beiming army to the east withdrew from the border of Tianshui Kingdom, and sent a large number of goods, and the war officially ended.

As a border general, Ye Caizhu has to do post-war comfort work every day.

Su Ziyan is going back to Xiyue Kingdom in two days, and the army of Tianshui Kingdom is also preparing to return to the court.

However, Yi Shuihan thought of a serious problem, whether Mo Ningxun went back to Xiyue Kingdom or... She couldn't guess.

"Your Highness, I really don't want you to go back, Your Highness." Ye Caizhu said with some emotion.

"There is always a banquet in the world. I have to thank General Ye during this time."

"What did your Highness say? I'm just performing my duty."

(End of this chapter)

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