Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 794 Red Wedding 04

Chapter 794 Red Wedding 04
"Actually, it's nothing, there's only one, you marry me, no, you marry me." Wushang's thick skin has already made people and gods angry.

"Other than that?" Yi Shuihan had faint black lines on his forehead, and he really doubted whether the current Zhongli Shuiyou was the gentle and reserved delicate nobleman before.

"No more." Wushang was a little disappointed, if this continues, he will not be able to catch up with Shui Han in another ten years.

"Why don't you think about it again. If there is something you want to do, but it is difficult or impossible, you can do anything." Yi Shuihan said sincerely.

Hearing this, Wushang's heart rang loudly, what does Shuihan mean?Could it be that he was overthinking, or that Shui Han really cared about him, he should think positively: "Yes, I really want to do that just now, but I can't do anything about it."

"What do you like about me?" Yi Shuihan suddenly stopped and asked, she really couldn't understand why Zhongli Shuiyou was so stubborn, she killed him in the previous life, he should hate her so much, he should seek revenge from her.

"I just like you, very much, very much." Wushang said softly.

"What's the reason?" Yi Shuihan was obviously very dissatisfied with the answer.

"Shuihan, like is like, love is love, there is no reason." The tenderness in Wushang's eyes could drown a woman at any time, but that person is Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan was speechless, and finally left. She didn't want to continue this topic with him and couldn't communicate.

After a while, King Xiang sent someone to invite Yi Shuihan over.

Yi Shuihan went into the room, and said with a smile: "Father, why are you so happy?"

"Han'er, come and sit here." Lan Zhiqiu looked at Yi Shuihan and said with a smile. There are too many men, and none of them are mediocre.

Yi Shuihan sat next to him, and seeing that he was in a good mood, her mood also improved.

"Han'er, you are going to get married soon. When Qiannuo and others were just canonized, they were going to hold a wedding with you. At that time, you didn't want to, so forget it, but this time it's Prince Xiyue, so you can't be neglected. Qian Nuo The Nuoji people must be feeling bad, so go and comfort them."

"Okay." As soon as this matter was mentioned, Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead. It is becoming more and more difficult to guess a man's mind these days.

"Han'er, and Shuiyou, I think he's devoted to you, what's your plan?" Lan Zhiqiu asked, he was satisfied with Shuiyou, Xue'er and Shuiyou were the only ones at home who talked to him. And Xueer is a woman, and she will get married sooner or later.

"Let's put this matter aside for now, let me think about it." Yi Shuihan had a headache. She did have a purpose for keeping Zhongli Shuiyou behind, but she didn't dare to use it blatantly.


In the evening, Yi Shuihan went to find Chengbi, and saw that he was pruning a potted plant. The plant had been cut bare, and the scissors in his hand hadn't stopped yet.

"Chengbi, don't cut it, be careful of hurting your hands." It is not easy for this plant to survive the winter.

"What do you want from me?" Chengbi threw down the scissors, he wanted to be more generous, but he just couldn't be more generous, why didn't he marry him first?Mo Ningxun could only be behind him in the end!
Yi Shuihan: "I want to ask you something, do you know the person in the black hat next to Shui Lian?"

Speaking of business, Chengbi was not angry: "I don't know too well, that person's name is Hengyin, I don't know if he is a man or a woman, he came from a remote place in Mobei, and he knows strange magic, Gu poison and all kinds of invisible poisons. I have been with Shui Lian for three years, I guess even Shui Lian has never seen Heng Yin's true face."

(End of this chapter)

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