Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 795 Red Wedding 06

Chapter 795 Red Wedding 06
This is the first time for Yi Shuihan to wear a formal dress. He is wearing a complicated light purple robe with a hundred butterfly cutouts, and wearing glazed beads on his head. Her Majesty the Empress.

Mo Ningxun deliberately wore a light blue robe, she was unparalleled in beauty, and it complemented Yi Shuihan's attire, and the two easily attracted a lot of amazed eyes when they came together.

The powerful ministers of Tianshui Kingdom were all present, and Her Majesty the Empress hadn't arrived yet. The ministers were talking in twos and threes, and the queens, princes, young ladies and sons of similar ages also gathered together to chat and laugh.

"Seventh Sister, this is Prince Xiyue? Seventh Sister, you are truly blessed." A woman came over and teased, looking at Mo Ningxun with unscrupulous eyes.

This woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, but her posture is extremely slutty, especially her eyes, which are so lewd and sinister, and her luxurious dark green robe, wearing gold and silver, so extravagant.

Yi Shuihan narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly: "Eight sister, what's the matter?"

Shui Wu smiled and said: "Seventh Sister, we haven't gone out to play for a long time, my little sister invites you to the Hualou for a drink some other day."

When Mo Ningxun heard this, she frowned, did Shuihan often go to Hualou in the past?

"Okay, I'll wait for you, Eighth Sister." Yi Shuihan smiled, Shui Wu, when I get rid of Shui Lian, you will be next.

Hearing this, Mo Ningxun had no expression on his face, but he was very angry in his heart. He dared to respond even if he was present, as if he hadn't arrived!

Shui Wu smiled, glanced at Mo Ningxun again, and walked away.

The cold air on Mo Ningxun's body began to radiate, and it would be frozen within a radius of two meters.

Yi Shuihan also felt it. Fortunately, she was dressed thickly, and said in a low voice, "I just glanced at you, so don't be angry."

Mo Ningxun: "Did you often go to Hualou?"

Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, there is no flower house in the 21st century, and he has only been here a few times: "It's purely entertainment."

At this time, a high-pitched voice came from outside the hall: "Her Majesty the Empress has arrived."

The ministers returned to their seats one after another, bent down to salute, and waited for the arrival of Her Majesty the Empress.

"See Your Majesty."

Surrounded by the guards, Shui Luo sat on the main seat, and said lightly: "All lovers are welcome, today's banquet is to cleanse the dust of General Tian Shui."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Shui Luo is dressed in a golden imperial robe, wearing a crown on her head, her whole body is calm, her face is calm, her eyes are calm, her body is noble, she is not angry and majestic, but it is not the kind of strong and domineering majesty, but only a faint The look in his eyes is enough to make the ministers tremble.

"In the frontier battle, our army won a great victory. I am here alone to wash away the dust of all the generals. All the generals, I respect you alone." Shui Luo raised his wine glass and said with a slight smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Nie Feng and the others said, raising their wine glasses and downing them in one gulp.

"Gu is very happy today. Lovers don't have to be cautious, just have fun." Shui Luo waved his hands, and immediately, the music played, and the singing and dancing were peaceful.

The ministers drank and enjoyed singing and dancing. They did not really enjoy the fine wine and food at such palace banquets, but they were obedient to Her Majesty, or showed their identities to their colleagues, or made friends with colleagues, or even flattered and flattered them, so as to make their official career more peaceful.

Yi Shuihan looked around for a week, and saw that Shui Lian was talking to several ministers, she was out of action, and her reputation was not very good.

Mo Ningxun followed her gaze: "What are you looking at?"

(End of this chapter)

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