Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 798 Red Wedding 09

Chapter 798 Red Wedding 09
A hint of sinister flashed in Shui Wu's eyes, and Shui Han actually ignored her? !Shuihan has been luckier than her since she was a child, no matter what mistakes Shuihan made, she will be protected by someone, hmph, she will never let Shuihan go!

"The Third Highness is here."

When the guard outside the door shouted, Shui Lian strode in in a dark robe, and the maids behind her were holding a lot of congratulatory gifts.

"Congratulations, Seventh Sister." Shui Lian hooked her lips, and asked the maid behind her to present a congratulatory gift.

"Thank you, Third Sister, for your kindness. Come and treat my Third Sister well." Yi Shuihan smiled, and summoned a servant.

"Seventh Sister, go get busy, I'll do it myself." Shui Lian smiled, and then stepped into the living room.

The guests are almost all here, all the princes and ministers, civil and military officials are here, the salute ceremony is almost up, and there is one person left, Your Majesty the Empress.

Lan Zhiqiu looked outside the door, a little worried.

Yi Shuihan: "Father, I'm not nervous, why are you nervous?"

Lan Zhiqiu looked at her dotingly, and said with a smile: "You don't care about being so old, and you don't feel nervous about getting married."

Yi Shuihan: "Okay, father, you go and sit down, I'll send someone to remind you."

As soon as the words fell, a guard shouted from outside the door: "Her Majesty is here."

Everyone gave way one after another, and Shui Luo came, surrounded by guards, with a calm expression and a slight smile.

"See Your Majesty." Everyone saluted quickly.

Shui Luo hurriedly went to help Lan Zhiqiu up, and said with a smile, "Lan Guijun, I will take the seat with you alone."

After finishing speaking, Shui Luo supported Lan Zhiqiu and sat on the main seat together, and then said to the people below: "Excuse me, today is Seventh Sister's big wedding, there is no need to perform the ceremony of a monarch and a minister."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Due to the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen, the lively scene became much quieter, and everyone spoke cautiously.

It was already noon, and the priest who presided over the wedding came into the hall with a staff in his hand, and the wedding ceremony was about to be held.

Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun came holding hands, and everyone present was amazed.

The male guests were amazed by the elegant demeanor of His Highness the Seventh Highness, whose notoriety spread far and wide. At this moment, he was wearing a formal attire, and the brilliance of that body made people unable to take their eyes off it. It is true that Buddha depends on gold clothes, and people depend on clothes.

The female guests all marveled at the demeanor of Prince Xiyue. This Prince Xiyue is not only handsome, but also has an extraordinary momentum. It is a pity that he is matched with the Seventh Highness. Marry her, when will it be the turn of Shui Han, a stupid idiot!

The divine master was wearing a white dress with wide sleeves, and walked slowly while maintaining a slight smile.

The hall fell silent instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun.

The sun is in the sky, and the holy hour is about to come.

"In the name of the heavens, God bestows a marriage here." The god master held the magic staff in his hand, and passed the crowd step by step, Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun.

Suddenly, the divine master's eyes changed, and the sharp silver light from the head of the divine staff in his hand hit the seated person directly.

Lan Zhiqiu's face was pale, and without thinking, he reached out to grab the silver light, intending to stop its attack.

"Father! No!" Yi Shuihan was terrified, she had never been so scared.

The silver scepter brushed against the palm of his hand, blood splattered, and its attack hit Shui Luo directly.

Just at the very moment, there was a loud bang, and a white figure was thrown out fiercely, hitting the stone pillar, and then fell to the ground, spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood. Being thrown by Yi Shuihan like this, he would not die. crippled.

The sudden change surprised everyone, assassin?

(End of this chapter)

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