Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 799 Red Wedding 10

Chapter 799 Red Wedding 10
"Father..." Yi Shuihan immediately grabbed Lan Zhiqiu's hand, seeing the blood on the palm slowly turning black, her heart also darkened.

Lan Zhiqiu saw that Shui Luo was fine, but the extreme nervousness still left him in shock.

"Doctor!" Shui Luo shouted angrily.

The few imperial doctors present were terrified and rushed forward tremblingly. They knew very well what happened to King Ruoxiang, and maybe they would be buried with him.

However, there was a figure who was faster, he had already come in front of Lan Zhiqiu, a few silver needles sealed the blood, and then he slapped Lan Zhiqiu behind.

Pfft, Lan Zhiqiu spat out a mouthful of black-red blood, his face was pale, and he sat on the chair reluctantly.

"How is my father?" Yi Shuihan asked in panic.

"Most of the toxins have been removed, so it's not a big problem." Wushang replied.

Yi Shuihan and Shui Luo felt relieved after hearing the words.

However, here, the scene was in chaos, and there was a bloody smell outside the door, and a large number of men in black rushed in.

"Assassins, there are assassins, escort..."

The guests ran away with their heads in their arms, pale in horror, especially the powerless civil servants, and some even hid under the table.

"What happened?" Lan Zhiqiu worriedly held Shui Han's hand, trying to stay awake.

"A small accident happened, and we will take care of it. Father, if you are sleepy, go to sleep for a while, don't worry." Yi Shuihan comforted him softly.

Rong Junqianxue and others have come to Yi Shuihan's side, they are ready to fight, this is not as simple as an ordinary assassination.

Yi Shuihan searched with his eyes, but Shui Lian was nowhere to be seen. Sure enough, Shui Lian chose to rebel today.

When the guards were almost killed, Shui Lian finally appeared, followed by a large number of men in black, Nie Feng and Heng Yin in a black cloak and hat.

Seeing this, all the ministers knew in their hearts that the Third Highness was plotting a rebellion, and for a while, they couldn't make up their minds.

Shui Luo frowned, and walked out calmly: "Third Sister, General Ye, what do you mean?"

Shui Lian laughed out loud, and said arrogantly: "Shui Luo, you are not qualified to be emperor."

"No, don't you have a third sister?" Shui Luo asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, Shui Luo, you don't have to pretend to be calm. The Prince Xiang's Mansion is already surrounded. If you arrest me, I can spare your life." Shui Lian's eyes were full of pride, and this day finally came.

"If Gu says no?" Shui Luo said coldly, a powerful aura overwhelmed the audience.

"Then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Shui Lian smiled viciously, and glanced at the ministers present: "Ministers, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and Shui Luo's situation is gone. If you are willing to submit to His Highness, please stand up." After the death of His Highness, His Highness will let go of everything in the past, and will even be promoted to a higher position."

Some ministers' eyes flickered, they sneaked a glance at the queen, then at Shui Lian, hesitating, now that the queen was surrounded, they didn't want to die.

Shui Luo's expression changed, but he remained calm.

Shui Lian said: "Ministers, make a good choice, or don't blame my highness for being cruel."

The ministers were shocked when they heard the words. Several ministers had already taken a step and walked behind Shui Lian, and then ministers made their choices one after another, and most of them chose Shui Lian.

"Traitor, those who conspire will die!" Some ministers said in grief and indignation, and stood behind Shui Luo resolutely: "Your Majesty, I will swear to protect you to the death!"

(End of this chapter)

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