Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 800 Red Wedding 11

Chapter 800 Red Wedding 11
Shui Luo's face softened, and he glanced at the people behind him lightly: "You are loyal to protect the orphan, how can the orphan let you down."

As soon as these words came out, the situation changed, and everyone's expressions changed drastically. Could it be that the empress has a plan?
Shui Lian looked at Shui Luo viciously: "Shui Luo, you don't have to struggle to the death and bluff, now the Prince Xiang's mansion can't even fly in, haha, you are already a trapped beast."

Shui Luo smiled and said, "Third Sister, you are the one who is surrounded. Bingcheng has been surrounded by Gu's own soldiers, and Gu's shadow is also lurking outside Xiangwang's Mansion."

Shui Lian and Nie Feng's expressions changed, suspicion flashed in their eyes, and the ministers behind them turned pale with fright. They all stood by Shui Lian's side to save their lives. If they made a wrong choice, they would lose their lives.

"Hmph, so what, my Highness and General Ye control half of the military power in Tianshui Kingdom, your personal guards may have been intercepted and killed by my Highness's people." Shui Lian said arrogantly, she had planned it for a long time, there could be no mistakes !
"Really? Ye Caizhu from Cangcheng led a large number of cavalry to sneak into Bingcheng secretly, and the ones who were intercepted and killed were from Sanmei." Shui Luodan said.

Shui Lian's expression changed, and she began to panic, but she firmly believed: "Impossible, His Highness has already left someone in Cangcheng, and Ye Caizhu has never left Cangcheng!"

Shui Luo: "Third Sister, the people you left behind in Cangcheng were either killed or surrendered, Shui Lian, let's capture them without a fight."

"Shui Luo, aren't you too whimsical? You're talking like an idiot, and you're the one who got caught! Shui Luo, do you know? Even Shui Han next to you is mine, but now, Shui Han, you are useless." Shui Lian glanced at Shui Han contemptuously. Originally, she wanted to keep Shui Han, and let Shui Han take action in case of any accident. Now, go to hell.

Yi Shuihan blinked, does she seem that weak?Will she be used too?

Everyone looked at Shui Han and saw her helpless expression, could it be true?
Lan Zhiqiu was so frightened that he almost fainted, and tremblingly grasped Yi Shuihan's hand, as if this could stabilize the panic in his heart.

Yi Shuihan held his hand instead, and softly comforted him: "Father, don't worry, don't believe Shui Lian's words, she is already at the end of her strength, and we will be fine."

Lan Zhiqiu breathed a sigh of relief and forced a smile. He believed in his daughter.

Nie Feng frowned: "Lian'er, hurry up, don't let them delay."

Shui Luo looked at Nie Feng: "General Nie, I have treated you well by myself. If you betrayed today, then don't be cruel. Your Nie family will be buried with you."

Nie Feng's expression changed, and he shouted loudly, "Surround them!"

"Wait!" Yi Shuihan suddenly shouted.

"Shui Han, do you ask me? If you kill Shui Luo, I will spare your life." Shui Lian raised her eyebrows triumphantly, she wanted to see Shui Han bowing his knees and struggling to death.

"Ahem, who said that I begged you? I begged you, too." Yi Shuihan smiled lazily, cursing in his heart that Huaying and Xueying hadn't come yet, and the bastards around Shui Lian couldn't solve it.

"What do you mean?" Shui Lian said coldly. She had an inexplicable panic about Shui Han, because Shui Han was hidden too deep for her to see clearly. Although Shui Luo was powerful, she had observed Shui Luo for more than ten years and was familiar with it. Shui Luo seemed to be familiar with herself.

"You gave it to me, and I'll give it back to you now." Yi Shuihan threw a few white grains in front of Shui Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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