Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 805 Red Wedding 17

Chapter 805 Red Wedding 17
Early the next morning, the servants and guards in Prince Xiang's Mansion got busy, preparing to move to the new mansion.

When Yi Shuihan and Mo Ningxun came out of the new house together, they were seen by many people.

The guards and servants who were moving things were all stunned.
A servant even dropped the box in his hand in shock. Everyone paused, then pretended not to see, and slipped away like a puff of smoke.

When it was time for breakfast, the news that His Highness and Prince Xiyue came out of the new house together had spread throughout the Xiangwang Mansion.

Lan Zhiqiu looked at his daughter in disbelief. Yesterday, when his daughter said that she would consummate the marriage with Prince Xiyue, he thought her daughter was joking. Although there was a marriage contract, she hadn't saluted yet.

Yi Shuihan looked helpless, everyone looked at her with colorful eyes, anyway, Mo Ningxun will be her man sooner or later, so what's the fuss!
Mo Ningxun's face was calm and composed, but there was a huge wave in his heart. He never thought it would cause such a big commotion.

After lunch, all the people in Prince Xiang's Mansion moved to the new mansion.

This Xiangwang Mansion is larger than the previous one, and the environment is quiet. There are no buildings around it, so it is very quiet.

After arriving at the new mansion, Yi Shuihan kept talking with Lan Zhiqiu, seeing some silver hairs on his temples, he was already old.

"Father, does your hand still hurt?" Yi Shuihan asked, the wound was a bit deep.

"It doesn't hurt a long time ago. Why do you ask me several times a day? By the way, Han'er, do you still want to hold a wedding with Prince Xiyue?" Lan Zhiqiu said, after all, the wedding ceremony was not completed.

"Well, let it take its course." Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead, she felt that it was good now.

"Marriage is a trifling matter." Lan Zhiqiu scolded softly, he would worry even if his daughter didn't pay attention to her for a day.

"It's because this matter is serious that we can't be sloppy. I have a sense of proportion. Father, don't worry, take care of your wounds." Yi Shuihan turned around and asked someone to bring food, and he was addicted to it.

Yi Shuihan didn't leave Lan Zhiqiu's room until it was bedtime.

Looking at the yard, she has been in this time and space for a year. Many things have happened in this year, and she has experienced several life and death. Everything she has until today is like a dream.


The past few days have been quite comfortable, and at the same time a bit boring. She is a person who can't rest, let her nest in one place all day long as a rice bug, her whole body is uncomfortable, her hands are itchy.

Shui Luo has been busy dealing with the affairs of the rebellion these days, and she has no excuse to find Zhongli Shuiyou. The most annoying thing is that Zhongli Shuiyou has no desires, neither loves power nor profit, and doesn't even have hobbies. , the so-called one can be strong without desire, such a person has no weakness.

Rong Jun looked at her while making tea, and seeing her slightly frowning eyebrows, his mood also sank.

"Shuihan, what bother you? Why don't you tell me."

"Rong Yun, do you know what weakness Shui You has?"

"Weakness? Probably not, I think the only weakness should be you." After thinking for a while, Rong Yun said, his mood inevitably became even more depressed. Shui Han came to him to ask Wushang.

"Then what are your hobbies and habits?" Yi Shuihan frowned even deeper, and she wasn't targeting Zhongli Shuiyou, but, one, she already had quite a few husbands.

Second, Zhongli Shuiyou is a person of the 21st century. His ideas are quite different from those here, and he accepts the concept of monogamy.

But she is different, she is not a virtuous person, to put it a bit harshly, she is a flirt.

(End of this chapter)

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