Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 806 Red Wedding 18

Chapter 806 Red Wedding 18
"It's nothing now. Wushang used to look at far away places and meditate, or he would go to the mountains to paint." Rong Yun said, in fact, he didn't know Wushang too well. Sometimes he was indifferent and treacherous.

"So strange?" Yi Shuihan was a little surprised. Although the former Zhongli Shuiyou was delicate, he was very active.

"Shuihan, if you have anything to ask Wushang for help, he will be very happy." Hearing her inquiry, Rong Yun also saw some clues.

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Rong Yun." Yi Shuihan looked at him, settled the matter, and the mood of looking at the beautiful boy returned.

"You're welcome." Rong Yun looked a little embarrassed, and Shui Han's eyes made his heart beat faster.

"Rong Jun, can you let me kiss you?" Yi Shuihan said shamelessly, she especially liked Rong Jun's lips.

Rong Yun was stunned, did he hear wrong?In fact, he heard it right, because Shui Han's face was right in front of his eyes, very close, the tip of his nose touched her face, and there was a piece of softness lingering on his lips, which made him ecstatic.

As a result, the two hugged each other during the day.


The next day, Yi Shuihan went to visit Lan Zhiqiu's room, and saw that Wushang was changing Lan Zhiqiu's dressing, the wound was already scarred, and he looked good.

"Han'er is here, come and sit down." Lan Zhiqiu waved to Yi Shuihan with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine standing up. Sitting all day makes my bones weak." Yi Shuihan stood beside Lan Zhiqiu, watching Wushang bandage the wound.

"You still want to go out and do evil?" Lan Zhiqiu gave Yi Shuihan a reproachful look.

"Prince Xiang, Shuihan won't be able to relax." Wushang said with a smile.

"I can't be free, but I'm definitely not going out to do evil, father, don't think so badly of me." Yi Shuihan said.

"It's no wonder you're not bad, but you're getting more and more treacherous, even your father is plotting." Although Lan Zhiqiu scolded, his eyes were full of pampering.

The three talked for a while, and Yi Shuihan and Wushang didn't leave until it was nap time.

Wushang was in a very happy mood, King Xiang treated him very well, Shui Han didn't reject him, I believed that Shui Han would like him soon, maybe Shui Han also liked him, but he just didn't accept it.

"Shuiyou, thank you for saving my father." Yi Shuihan was grateful for this.

"Shuihan, there is no need to thank us, your father is my father." Wushang said very naturally.

It's a pity that Yi Shuihan didn't listen naturally, but she still said, "Shuiyou, can you do me a favor?"

"Okay, what's your business?" Wushang's smile deepened, his mood improved, and he was extremely happy to work with Shuihan.

"Help me cure a person, she must be poisoned." Yi Shuihan frowned.

"Who?" Wushang's smile was a little stiff, could this be the reason why Shuihan didn't reject him and kept him in Xiangwang's mansion?If he didn't know medical skills, would Shui Han have kicked him early in the morning?

"Shui Luo." Yi Shuihan felt a little worried, after all, Shui Luo had been poisoned for so long.

"Yes, but I don't know if it can be cured. I will do my best. When will I go?" Wushang kept smiling, looking extremely happy. It doesn't matter, maybe this is an opportunity.

"Just tomorrow." Yi Shuihan said, it's best as soon as possible.

"That's fine, I'll come to you tomorrow." He also had to go back and prepare his speech.

(End of this chapter)

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