Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 807 Red Wedding 19

Chapter 807 Red Wedding 19
"Shuiyou, thank you." Yi Shuihan thanked again, except for this sentence, she didn't know what to say.

"I said no, if you insist on thanking me, you might as well marry me. I'm already homeless, so you don't want me to be displaced." Wushang showed a miserable look.

Yi Shuihan couldn't answer these words, so she should keep silent.


The next day, when Yi Shuihan and Wushang went out, the guards and servants in the mansion saw this and whispered again.

"When did you say His Highness took Mr. Zhongli in?" said Guard A.

"I think it's coming soon, King Xiang is more satisfied with Mr. Zhongli." Guard Yi said.

"I don't think so, His Highness doesn't seem to like Mr. Zhongli very much." Guard B said.

"I can't tell. I think Mr. Zhongli has some tricks." Guard Ding said.

"Why don't we take a gamble, please drink if you lose." Guard A suggested.

"Just bet, what's the way to bet?" Yi Bingding immediately agreed.

"This way..." Everyone was idle.


Royal Palace.

Yi Shuihan's treatment in the palace was only comparable to that of the empress. Shui Lian was dead, and the empress had full control over the power. Everyone knew that the empress favored His Highness the Seventh Prince. No matter what the Seventh Prince had committed, the Empress always had a reason to cover it up.

Shui Luo was correcting the memorial, and she put down the paperwork when she saw Yi Shuihan and the two came. She recognized Wushang as the man who treated Lan Zhiqiu's wounds.

"I heard from my father that you were poisoned. I brought someone to show you, but don't get your hopes up." Yi Shuihan said beforehand.

"Okay." Shui Luo didn't show any expression, it's been so many years anyway.

"Dear Your Majesty, I have offended you." Wushang stepped forward to feel Shui Luo's pulse, and then observed Shui Luo's eyeballs and tongue.

After a while, after the diagnosis was completed, Wushang took two steps back, his brows relaxed and tightened.

The moods of Shui Luo and Yi Shuihan also changed with Wushang's expression. What does his expression mean?
Wushang looked at Yi Shuihan, and asked, "Shuihan, can you avoid it for a while?"

"Okay." Yi Shuihan has a lot of doubts in his heart, let it go, as long as Zhongli Shuiyou cures Shuiluo, everything will be fine.

Shui Luo remained silent, waiting for Wushang to speak.

"Her Majesty, may I discuss something with you?" Wushang asked very respectfully and politely.

"Say." Shui Luo raised her eyebrows.

"I admire your Majesty's sister Shuihan very much, but Shuihan rejected me because of too many reasons, so I beg Your Majesty to grant me a marriage." Wushang felt depressed. He didn't want to force Shuihan, but she had no intention of holding him. .

"If Gu says no, will you not treat Gu?" Shui Luo was an emperor, and Wushang's words challenged her majesty.

"Of course not. As long as the water is cold enough to open my mouth, I will do my best. Your Majesty has been poisoned for many years, but it is not impossible to solve it. It just takes a while." Wushang said hastily.

"As for the marriage, I can't easily agree to you. If Shui Han agrees to marry you, I will give you a marriage." Shui Luo had other plans in mind. If this man had good medical skills, it would be best to keep him.

As soon as Wushang heard it, he knew that there was no hope. If Shuihan agreed, would I still need to beg you?

After Wushang explained the treatment plan to Shui Luo, he let Yi Shuihan in.

"How is it?" Yi Shuihan asked anxiously.

"It's not a big problem." Wushang replied, feeling extremely powerless, it was a waste of time.

Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief, Wushang must be confident in saying this.

(End of this chapter)

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