Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 808 Red Wedding 20

Chapter 808 Red Wedding 20
Shui Luo pondered for a while, then said: "Shui Han, Mr. Zhongli is willing to marry you, are you willing?"

Yi Shuihan frowned, glanced at Wushang, then at Shui Luo, with some searching eyes.

Shui Luo said: "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Zhongli will detoxify me no matter whether you agree or not."

Yi Shuihan's face was sombre, she was treating a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart.

"If you don't like me, you don't have to force it." Wushang was completely silent, his melancholy and sad eyes almost made people cry, and his heartbroken tone easily hit people's hearts.

"I'll just marry you!" Yi Shuihan said.

Wushang was stunned, did he hear correctly?What does Shuihan mean?Did he get it wrong? "Shui Han, you, you agreed?"

"It's my wish to have a beautiful man like you in my arms!" Yi Shuihan said.

"Shuihan, what you said, don't go back." The joy came so suddenly, Wushang was a little caught off guard, and it took him a while to fully digest what Shuihan said just now.

"Shui Han, how many men have you said that sentence to?" There was a bit of a sour taste.

"Can not remember!"

"Forget it if you don't remember, don't say this sentence again in the future." Wushang said with tenderness in his eyes, but please be the last one.

"Still leaving?!"

"Go, I'll go wherever you go." Wushang quickly chased after him.

Yi Shuihan felt a chill, where did Zhongli Shuiyou's gentle and reserved image go?Now every sentence is so sensational, and he is not disgusted.

Shui Luo smiled, the current Shui Han is really unusual.


After returning to Prince Xiang's Mansion, Yi Shuihan told Lan Zhiqiu the news that Shui Luo's poison had been cured, and Lan Zhiqiu was so happy that he almost cried.

"Father, are you happy?" Yi Shuihan saw that he was happy, and she was also happy.

"Why didn't you tell me that Shuiyou's medical skills are so good?" Lan Zhiqiu blamed him for keeping it from him for so long.

"I'm not sure. If I make you happy for nothing, I'll be sad too."

Lan Zhiqiu laughed, before Luo'er had a heavy burden and was poisoned, Han'er was stubborn and did evil, but now everything is fine, his wish has been fulfilled, only one granddaughter is missing, and he will die without regret.

"Father, it's time for dinner."

"My hands are ready, I can hold chopsticks by myself."

"It's not good yet, what if I hurt my muscles and bones."

"You don't have to quibble, you always make fun of your father."

"It's wrong, I didn't..."

The next day, an imperial decree came to Xiang Wang's mansion, His Majesty bestowed a marriage, and the protagonists were Shui Han and Zhong Li Shui You.

When guards A, B, C, and D heard this, the four of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They discussed this matter yesterday, but today it will be concluded. The loser is invited to drink.

Lan Zhiqiu smiled, he liked Wushang very much, plus Wushang saved him, detoxified Shuiluo, relieved the greatest regret in his heart, of course he was happy that Wushang became his daughter's husband.

No wonder Wushang was very happy yesterday, he was kind to everyone, Rong Yun and others had expected such a day, but they didn't expect it to come so soon, it would be a lie not to be sad.

The most angry thing is Mo Ningxun, the wedding has only been ten days, and she has accepted Baili Wushang?How can he save face? !Even if you want to close it, at least you have to hold a make-up wedding with him first, and then close it after a while!

Now Wushang can finally stay in Prince Xiang's Mansion openly and aboveboard.

(End of this chapter)

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