Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 809 Revisiting Ningcheng 01

Chapter 809 Revisiting Ningcheng 01
In the next few days, Yi Shuihan and Wushang would enter the palace every now and then, and the others could only glare at their backs.

In fact, it is fine for Wushang to go alone, but Wushang will always ask Yi Shuihan to accompany him for various reasons.

After Yi Shuihan and Wushang came out of the palace, Wushang took her hand, but she didn't let go.

Wushang raised the corner of his mouth. He once said that he would hold her hand again. At this moment, even if the ice and snow melted and the wet weather, he still felt that it was bright.

When they walked to the market, neither of them had really seen what the market in Tianshui Kingdom was like, so they walked for a while longer.

This is just one of the small markets in Ice City, but it is also full of activity and bustling.

Yi Shuihan and Wushang attracted a lot of attention as soon as they appeared, and even the shouts of sales were directed at them.

"Miss, buy a comb for your husband." The comb seller shook the comb in front of Yi Shuihan.

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched: "He doesn't like combs."

The boss who sells combs is depressed. He has to comb his hair every day. If he doesn't like combs, why don't he comb his hair?So the boss looked at Wushang's hair and combed it neatly.

"Who said I don't like it." Wushang said in a tone of telling her lover, holding her hand and not letting her go, playing a rogue.

"Then you buy it." Yi Shuihan didn't intend to pick a comb, but Shuiyou's character was the same as before.

"Choose one and give it to me." Wushang looked at her expectantly.

"I don't know what style you like."

"It's okay, I like whatever you pick." Wushang said hastily.

"I don't have very good taste."

The boss who sold the comb couldn't bear it anymore, and felt that the lady was a bad wife: "Miss, why don't you choose a comb for your husband, why should it be so embarrassing?"

Yi Shuihan's face was a little gloomy.

Wushang burst into laughter in his heart, but looked at her with extremely wronged eyes, his expression was like a husband who had been abandoned by his wife, secretly saddened.

"...Do you like this one?" Yi Shuihan took a comb, and she felt that the comb was extremely heavy.

"I like it." Wushang's eyes finally lit up.

Yi Shuihan handed him the comb after paying the bill, and thought to himself: I won't go shopping with men in the future!Every time nothing good happens.

"Miss, your husband is so kind." The boss appreciated it sincerely, because Yi Shuihan was dressed very luxuriously, but Wushang was dressed more simply, and Wushang only needed an ordinary comb to be satisfied.

"Thank you for your appreciation." Yi Shuihan twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly.

Wushang continued to hold her hand and left together.

Yi Shuihan cursed inwardly, he definitely did it on purpose, let's see how she deals with him in the future!
There was a young man in front who was selling all kinds of woven animals, and he was still weaving a flying bird.

"I'll buy a palm leaf."

The young master looked up at Wushang, and said a little displeased, "Why did you buy palm leaves? Could it be that my weaving is not good-looking?"

Wushang: "No, your weaving is prettier than mine, but I am weaving it for the one I love, how can I borrow someone else's hand."

The corner of Yi Shuihan's mouth twitched, and his words became more and more sensational.

Hearing this, the young master smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood my son, this palm leaf is given to you as an apology."

"Thank you, Young Master." Wushang took it generously without any excuses.

After leaving the market, when he walked to the quiet boulevard, Wushang suddenly said: "Shuihan, don't throw away everything I give you in the future, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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