Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 810 Revisiting Ningcheng 02

Chapter 810 Revisiting Ningcheng 02
"Look at your mood."

"Then when will you be in a good mood?" Wushang smiled, and waited until she was in a good mood to send it off.

"You don't have to give it to me, I have nothing to give you."

"You gave me a comb just now."

"You're not going to send me another grasshopper, are you?"

"Don't you like it?" He remembered what she liked before, doesn't it mean that she doesn't like it anymore?

"No, you already gave me one."

Wushang had some expectations in her heart, she said no, that means she liked it: "Did you not throw it away?"

"Who said I threw it away?"

"Then did you burn it?" Wushang asked again, the last time she burned the picture scroll he gave her, it made him sad for a long time.

"Who said I was burned?" There was a black line on Yi Shuihan's forehead.

"You still keep it?" Wushang said in surprise, he thought she threw it away.

"Probably still there."

After hearing this answer, Wushang's joy just now was halved. Is it because of her stubbornness or because she didn't remember where to put it?

While Wushang was thinking hard, he had already arrived at Xiangwang's Mansion.

Yi Shuihan immediately went to Lan Zhiqiu: "Father, the poison on Shui Luo has been cured. If you miss her, I will accompany you to see her."

"Okay, let's go the day after tomorrow. Let's have dinner together." Lan Zhiqiu smiled happily, very happy in his heart, the three father and daughter hadn't been together for a long time.

Yi Shuihan looked at him, he was so easy to be satisfied, he was so happy to have a meal together.

Recently, the Prince Xiang's Mansion is quite quiet, without any sense of crisis, but Yi Shuihan is bored and panicked, the so-called born in sorrow and died in peace, a comfortable life is not suitable for her.

In the evening, the person from Shuiwu came and said that he invited her to drink in Wanqinglou.

When Yi Shuihan heard this, she almost forgot about the character Shui Wu, and curled her lips evilly. Interesting thing, she hasn't taught Shui Wu a lesson yet.

As a result, of course she was invited.

Wanqing Building, the most upscale flower building in Bingcheng, the flower building in the legendary feminist country, but the flowers here are all men.

Yellow lanterns were hung high, and the gate was wide open. It was the bustling time of Wanqinglou.

All kinds of powerful people came in and out, and they were all women.

The lobby is very elegantly decorated, as soon as a guest comes in, the waiter will immediately come forward to entertain the guest, and then lead the guest upstairs or to the private room, so the lobby is not only not crowded, but also very empty.

There is a servant who recognizes Yi Shuihan. Shuihan used to be a frequent visitor here, but when I saw him today, he didn't feel like it. The Seventh and Eighth Emperors are playboys who are notorious in Bingcheng, and they are the princesses. They can only worship.

"The Seventh Highness is here, my Highness has been waiting for His Highness the Seventh Highness in the private room." Shui Wu's valet saw Yi Shuihan, and hurriedly stepped forward to compliment him.

"Lead the way."

"Please, Your Highness Seventh." The guard led Yi Shuihan to the private room on the third floor.

This private room is half the size of the lobby on the first floor, and the decoration is extremely luxurious. Behind the gauze curtain, there are luxurious big beds, bathtubs and the like.

The sound of silk and bamboo is lingering, the ground is full of petals, the smell of flowers and wine is mixed together, and there are several handsome men, but they are only beautiful.

Shui Mist is hugging left and right, teasing with a few men, feeding each other wine, luxuriously decadent.

"Seventh Sister is here, hurry up and sit down, we two sisters haven't had a drink together for a long time." Shui Wu pushed away the men beside him and asked them to entertain Yi Shuihan.

"I've seen His Highness the Seventh Prince." Several men saluted, with smiles on their faces. Their appearance was extremely beautiful, but they were also too weak.

(End of this chapter)

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