Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 812 Revisiting Ningcheng 06

Chapter 812 Revisiting Ningcheng 06
In early spring, sometimes it rains continuously, and sometimes the spring is bright and beautiful, removing the old and ushering in the new.

Everyone in Xiangwang's mansion is very leisurely, quite satisfied with this kind of comfortable and peaceful life.

Yi Shuihan accompanied Lan Zhiqiu into the palace, went to the temple to offer incense, and spent the rest of the time in love with beautiful men.

Finally on this day, she raised her head to the sky and let out a long cry. Could it be that her life has come to a standstill?She has always been an aggressive person, and those evil factors are constantly emerging, and they will explode soon.

Qiannuo: "The water is cold, the weather is fine today, why don't we go climbing."

Rong Yun: "The water is cold. This weather is suitable for spring outings. If we go together, King Xiang will be very happy."

Wushang: "Shuihan, there is a very special tavern in the east of the city, let's go and try it together."

Chengbi: "Fly a kite with me!"

Mo Ningxun: "Shuihan, let's go ride a horse at the racecourse."

Yi Shuihan's eyes showed a cold light, she didn't have the ability to separate herself, so she said angrily, "I'm going to enter the palace today!" After saying that, she went out.

All the beauties felt very bad, Shui Han's heart was erratic, if she was tied too tightly, she might feel disgusted, if she was loosened, she might fly away.

Royal Palace.

Yi Shuihan leaned back on the chair like a soft snake, waiting for Shui Luo to speak, since there must be something important for her to come.

"One month later, the Beiming King's birthday, such a big event, Tianshui must send envoys to congratulate him, as a show of respect."

"Well, what then?" Yi Shuihan was listless, Ling Xiaoran's birthday had nothing to do with her.

"However, yesterday the envoy of Beiming came to invite you to go." Shui Luo glanced at Yi Shuihan.

"Why?" Yi Shuihan frowned.

"I still want to ask you this level, is it related to the Battle of Cangcheng?" Shui Luo asked doubtfully.

"Although it is a battle between the two armies, I have never fought head-on with the important generals of Beiming Kingdom."

"For whatever reason, if you don't want to go, I'll send someone else."

"I'll just go." Others asked her to go by name. If she didn't go, she would be contemptuous of Beiming Kingdom and causing trouble for Tianshui Kingdom. Besides, she was a little bored recently, and Qianxue and others were originally from Beiming Kingdom. This trip might change a few things.

"Northern Netherworld specifically asked you to go, maybe there is a trap set up, there is danger, do you still want to go?" Shui Luo reminded.

"Go, why not go, Beiming Kingdom dare not set a trap."

In the end, Yi Shuihan will go to Beiming Kingdom as an envoy, and he will leave in three days. The schedule will be relatively tight, and it will take about 20 days at a fast pace, but it will take about one month to drag a carload of congratulatory gifts.

After Lan Zhiqiu learned about this, he immediately said that he would not let Yi Shuihan go.

"Father, don't worry, I'll go for two or three months."

"No! The battle between Tianshui and Beiming has just ended, and Beiming must hate you to the bone, not just embarrassing you." Lan Zhiqiu was anxious and worried.

"No, you are overthinking, Beiming is a defeated country, temporarily unable to fight, and dare not have friction with foreign countries."

"It's hard to say, but as long as you don't go, nothing will happen." Lan Zhiqiu scolded, his daughter's mouth became more and more fierce, so he couldn't explain it.

"Father, just believe me. I went to Beiming Kingdom not only to give gifts to Beiming King. Qian Nuo and Rong Jun are both from Beiming Kingdom. They have been here for a few months. Go to Beiming Kingdom."

"This..." Lan Zhiqiu hesitated, he was very reluctant for his daughter to go, but her daughter had to go.

(End of this chapter)

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