Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 813 Revisiting Ningcheng 07

Chapter 813 Revisiting Ningcheng 07
"I'll be back soon, don't worry, I'll write you a letter in two days, if you feel bored, go to the palace and talk to Shui Luo."

"Han'er, then you should come back as soon as possible, be careful in everything, don't try to be brave..." Lan Zhiqiu reminded her reluctantly.

Yi Shuihan listened carefully to his nagging for an hour: "Father, drink a glass of water first."

Lan Zhiqiu scolded her with anger and laughter, wondering if she listened.

After Yi Shuihan had lunch with him, he discussed with Qianxue and the others.

In the vestibule.

After hearing the news, everyone felt mixed feelings.

Of course Rong Yun is willing to go to Beiming Kingdom, but why Shui Han?There must be something strange, and it is inevitable to be a little worried.

Chengbi, Mo Ningxun, and Wushang were very reluctant to go, but if Shui Han went, they would definitely go!

Yi Shuihan glanced at the crowd, Chengbi and Mo Ningxun are from Xiyue Tianshui, and Wushang is from Donglin Kingdom, so there is a reason not to let these three people go; with Qianxue's temperament, she will definitely go on her own .

"The schedule is very tight, I don't want to bring too many people." Yi Shuihan said, implying that if you can't go, don't go.

"Shuihan, I won't delay the trip." Mo Ningxun said.

In fact, they all knew that even if they went, they would not delay their schedule. Shui Han said that he didn't want them to go, but this was impossible.

Chengbi glared at Yi Shuihan, if she refused to let him go, he would probably lose his temper.

Wushang's eyes were very gentle, he couldn't tolerate Yi Shuihan's refusal, as if you were going to hell and I would go too.

"Okay then, let's go together!" Qianxue said, feeling a little bored after staying in Bingcheng for so long, so it's better to go out for a walk.

Yi Shuihan glanced at Qianxue, I haven't spoken yet, what are you talking about?

Qian Xue laughed twice: "The result is the same, I will go to pack my things first, and then I will go to the casino to inform the master of ceremonies, everyone, goodbye."


Two days later, great news came from the palace that one of Her Majesty's nobles was pregnant.

Lan Zhiqiu was so excited that he immediately went to burn incense to repay his gods, and went to the imperial mausoleum to thank his ancestors.

So in the afternoon, Yi Shuihan sent Lan Zhiqiu to live in the palace temporarily, so that he could have spiritual sustenance.

The next day, the Xiangwang Palace and his party set off for Beiming Kingdom.

Due to the tight schedule, it was almost non-stop, and finally arrived in Ningcheng fifteen days later, and the emperor's wedding was three days away.

People from the Ministry of Rites of Beiming Kingdom had been waiting for Ningcheng’s post house to receive envoys from foreign countries. They were really surprised when they saw the envoys from Tianshui Kingdom. They had heard that Xiyue Tianshui had a beautiful figure. See, really eye-opening.

Most of the visitors were heroic women, and some men were even more beautiful than women, so wouldn't it be more beautiful to be the Lord Tianshui Seventh Queen, but Tianshui Seventh Queen didn't show up for a long time, which added a bit of mystery.

"Ah~~~, I'm back!" Qianxue raised her head and shouted, feeling extremely excited. She has gone through a lot, and it took more than half a year to stand on this piece of land again. The world is unpredictable.

Suddenly, she remembered one thing, remembering that she once said that if she came back to Ningcheng one day, she would reopen the Rishen Pavilion to make up for the regret of not being able to witness the opening of the Rishen Pavilion.

Before the things were packed, Qianxue took the master of ceremonies, stayed at the post house, or lived in her own place, went straight to Ruyiyuan to find Lin Yaoyu and Xiyan, and then went to Fengmanlou to discuss opening with Gu Changfeng and others.

After settling down, Mo Ningxun said that Su Ziyan also arrived in Ningcheng in the afternoon, and wanted to get together with Yi Shuihan tomorrow, and Yi Shuihan agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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