Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 819 Revisiting Ningcheng 13

Chapter 819 Revisiting Ningcheng 13
"If you are a person, you will change, so why not be unhappy." Yi Shuihan was not too surprised.

"Hmph, that's how you are. You care about everything. I have to take part of the responsibility for Ling'er becoming like this." Qian Xue gave Yi Shuihan an angry look, a hateful woman.

"It's none of your business, and, isn't it good to become like this?"

"Eh? Is this good?" Qianxue was confused. She felt that Ling'er before was spotless, lively and agile, like a little fairy, which made people feel protective.

"This is just the law of the development of things. You didn't do anything. You never went to the General's Mansion to look for Ling'er. Ling'er always came to you. It's not you who made things better. No matter what happens to Linger, Anyone, things may change, but that person is just you. If you have to blame yourself, then the worst thing is me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know Linger. "

Now Qianxue has nothing to say, and she feels a little relieved. Anyone she meets is accidental and happens naturally. This is an accident, and no one can predict it.

"However, if we can guide Ling'er correctly, maybe the result will be different." Qianxue was confused again.

"A rough analysis of Shangguan Ling shows that she is the only daughter in the family. Her elder brother dotes on her very much, and she is loved by thousands of people; the Shangguan family has no collateral, and her mother controls the internal affairs of the general's mansion, and there is no family rivalry; what she accepts is traditional. Because there is no negative influence on the education, they will accept it as a matter of course, and they are very clear about good and evil; Will she say something harsh to her? So, Shangguan Ling is the real princess."

"Then, will she be the princess forever?" Qianxue was deeply moved after hearing this. Ling'er was so well protected, so she didn't get a trace of turbidity on her body. Such a person who has no setbacks and has never experienced storms is very good. fragile.

Life is a tortuous process, from ignorant innocence, to experience, to confusion and struggle, if you can't get rid of it, you can only continue to struggle, or even lose yourself; if you pass it, you will return to calm; Experience, confusion, struggle, break free, calm, tortuous and circular process.


At night, Yi Shuihan secretly went to meet Chang Sheng and confessed some things.

The next day, Yi Shuihan and Su Ziyan went out again, and all the beautiful men dared not speak out.

Yesterday, all the beauties sent people to quickly investigate why the Beiming Kingdom specified that Shui Han should go to Beiming. In fact, they all guessed that the investigation was only a confirmation.

Today, the results came out, so I began to think about countermeasures.

For the palace banquet of the emperor's wedding, all the beauties did not intend to attend, but now, someone must attend.

Among the five people, in terms of status, Mo Ningxun was the prince of Xiyue Kingdom, and Su Ziyan, the princess of Xiyue, was behind him, so Mo Ningxun attended.

The other four were worried that Mo Ningxun would not be able to handle it alone, so they recommended Wushang to also attend. Why did they all unanimously recommend Wushang?Because Wushang is treacherous and can do anything. Of course, Wushang doesn't know what the four of them are thinking.

Wushang was also happy, he would never show mercy to his enemies, let alone this old enemy.


When the sky was slightly bright, the concubines and concubines of the Beiming Kingdom's Imperial Palace were busy. On the emperor's birthday, after various ceremonies were completed, it was already evening, and a grand palace banquet kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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