Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 820 Revisiting Ningcheng 14

Chapter 820 Revisiting Ningcheng 14
At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, the high-hanging palace lanterns set off the magnificent and luxurious palace, shining brighter than pearls.

Fragrant cars and BMWs drove towards the gate of the palace one after another. Princes, ministers, young masters and young ladies all came in costumes to celebrate the birthday of the most honored emperor of Beiming Kingdom.

The luminous pearl illuminates the main hall brilliantly, singing and dancing promotes peace, there are delicious wines and delicacies, and rare and exotic fruits.The princesses and ladies stepped forward to perform, an extremely luxurious scene.

Ling Xiaoran was dressed in a bright yellow imperial robe, sitting on the main seat, with a majestic and steady expression that made it impossible to explore, and the domineering around him was increasing day by day, with thin lips slightly pursed, eyes as sharp as eagle eyes, and a glass of fine wine in his hand. Out of joy.

All the concubines around were vying for beauty, and looked at the emperor they admired and loved from time to time, but they didn't dare to look too much, they were all afraid of the emperor's eyes.

"His Royal Highness the Empress of the West Moon has arrived."

"His Royal Highness the Seventh Emperor of Tianshui has arrived."

The guards outside the hall shouted, and the hall fell silent instantly, and the actresses stepped aside one after another, bowing slightly and bowing their heads.

Several elegant men and women came into the hall, no doubt, easily amazed the eyes of everyone present, and the elegance of the two women walking in front was unmatched, and their aura and imposing manner were not inferior to anyone present .

This is the Empress Xiyue and the Seventh Queen of Tianshui who repelled the army of Donglin Beiming, which made the envoys and ministers of Donglin Beiming resentful and ashamed.

"I have met Emperor Beiming, I wish Emperor Beiming a happy birthday."

As the words fell, the maids of Xiyue Tianshui opened the gift boxes in their hands one after another. The gift boxes contained rare treasures.

Su Ziyan and Yi Shuihan stood in the center of the hall, looked directly at Ling Xiaoran with smiles on their faces, and each of them said something like this. They were elegant, polite and arrogant, polite and forceful.

Ling Xiaoran narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked directly at the two people in the center of the hall, but did not speak.

Seeing this, the ministers of Beiming frowned. The Empress Xiyue and Empress Tianshui were too arrogant, and they only said a congratulatory message like 'Happy Birthday', which was clearly disrespectful to the emperor; they are not monarchs, and they should be They saluted, but not only did they not salute, but they also looked like they were self-respecting, which was clearly contempt for Bei Ming.

For a while, the scene was deadlocked, only Yi Shuihan and the others kept smiling, you Beiming showed me the face, our Tianshui is a country of etiquette, so we gladly accepted it.

Finally, the Minister of Rites said awe-inspiringly: "Dare to ask what the Empress Dowager Xiyue and the Seventh Empress of Tianshui mean? Xiyue Tianshui is so ignorant of etiquette after seeing our emperor not being polite?"

Su Ziyan glanced at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and the aura of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites suddenly disappeared, and he immediately closed his mouth tightly. The feeling of oppression made people feel cold.

"My Highness is here on behalf of Her Majesty Empress Xiyue."

The implication is that you want Empress Xiyue to salute you as Emperor Beiming?
"Princess Xiyue and the Seventh Emperor of Tianshui are polite, please take your seat." Ling Xiaoran's indifferent but majestic voice spread throughout the hall, making it impossible for anyone to peep into his emotions.

"Thank you, Emperor Beiming."

After Su Ziyan and Yi Shuihan were seated, the music played again, and the female actresses filed in and danced lightly.

More than half a year has passed, the Beiming court has undergone a major change under Ling Xiaoran's rule, but there are still many old people.

The moment Yi Shuihan sat down, these old people looked at the Tianshui Seventh Prince so familiarly.

Especially the attendants of the Hanlin Academy at the end, their jaws dropped in shock, their necks stretched, their eyes rubbed and wiped, because they were too far away, they couldn't see very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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