Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 827 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 827 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 01
"Although my mouth is a bit bad, you are even worse. You show it with practical actions. I remember that you used to seduce me and play tricks on me. Fortunately, you can't practice tricks well, otherwise I might be caught by you..."

"Shut up! I was just testing you! I didn't seduce you!" Chengbi reiterated loudly, she used this matter to block him every time!Are you bothered? !

"Actually, even if you didn't seduce me, you have already seduced me successfully, otherwise we wouldn't be sitting together now." Yi Shuihan continued to tease, now Chengbi seemed to be unable to beat her, secretly happy.

"You pulled me to sit down!" Cheng Bi said angrily at her.

Yi Shuihan smiled, the angle of the position was just right, he leaned his head forward, stretched out his hand, hooked the back of his neck, and kissed his lips.

Chengbi's anger turned into astonishment, and then she was a little angry, but also a little happy, she always gave no time for people to think, she was extremely rascal.

The moonlight in the night sky is clear and the sky is full of stars.

Before the flowers and under the moon, the beautiful scenery on a good day.

The two watched the stars all night, and they didn't go back to the post house until it was slightly bright.


There was another banquet two days later, so in these two days, Yi Shuihan and Su Ziyan went out to hang out again.

"If it was in Xiyue, I would have dug out their eyes a long time ago!" Su Ziyan was exuding air-conditioning, how dare these old and ugly men look at her unscrupulously? !
"You won't listen to me asking you to change into men's clothes." Yi Shuihan waved his jade fan, a romantic and suave son.

After walking around, I felt bored and went back home.

Today, the guards from Prince Yi's Mansion came to the post house and said that the Ninth Prince invited the Seventh Queen of Tianshui to visit Yuhu Lake. This is the last invitation. Please be sure to come to the Seventh Queen. If you don't come, you will be responsible for the consequences!

Yi Shuihan heard this as soon as he came back, and he said it so harshly that he couldn't do it if he didn't go.

Spring is beautiful.In Yuhu Lake, there is only one colorful boat floating on the lake, drifting farther and farther.

There were only two people on the color boat toasting and drinking.

Following the wind, the colorful boat has already drifted into the corner, and the green mountain blocks the view, and I don't know where it is.

Yi Shuihan propped his head lazily, waiting for him to speak, but he saw his face gloomy, and after drinking one cup after another, he gave her a glare from time to time, which made her depressed.

"Do you still remember this lake?" Ling Yiran said suddenly, he swam here at about this time last year, and now he can never return to the state of mind at that time. He has changed, and she has changed even more.

"Remember, I scared you into the water." Yi Shuihan secretly slandered, the rabbit held a grudge.

Ling Yiran snorted coldly, gave her a complicated look, then got up and walked to the side of the boat, looking at the calm lake.

"You didn't jump into the lake, did you?" Yi Shuihan said heartlessly. Of course, she didn't believe that the rabbit would jump, even if he could swim, let alone not.

"Yes! You forced me!" Ling Yiran gave her an angry and sad look, and then jumped down.

"..." Yi Shuihan was stunned, did he really jump off?She did hear a splash and see a splash.

What happened to him?He learned to swim?

"Hello! Ling Yiran?" Yi Shuihan walked to the side of the boat, only to see ripples on the surface of the lake, but the rabbit was nowhere to be seen.

Damn, he also acted more realistically, at least pretending to struggle.

But after a while, there was not even a bubble on the surface of the lake, so she immediately became anxious.

She was so unlucky that she immediately took off her shoes and jumped into the lake. With a plop, there was no one on the colorful boat.

(End of this chapter)

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