Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 828 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 828 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 02
Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Shuihan dragged the dying Ling Yiran up, and managed to pull him onto the deck.

"Hey! Don't die! If you die, the two countries will go to war again."

Yi Shuihan slapped him twice, but she panicked before she woke up.

Quickly tore off Ling Yiran's shirt, turned over his body, lifted his abdomen, slapped him hard on the back to pour out the water in the airway, turned the person around again, pressed his hands on Ling Yiran's chest, and performed a chest massage. Pressing his heart, he raised Ling Yiran's head and pinched his nose to blow air into his mouth.

Huh, this scene seems familiar. Last year, I sometimes saved the rabbit like this. Damn, a big man like the rabbit can't swim.

Ling Yiran slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. Since he wanted him to die, why did he save him? !

"Flooded and stupid?" Yi Shuihan scolded, out of his nerves!Actually jumping into the lake, isn't it naive? !

"Why did you kiss me?" He has always been curious. He fell into the water last year. She kissed him and he woke up. If she didn't kiss him, would he die?
Yi Shuihan twitched the corner of his mouth, and the rabbit was too narcissistic: "This is not called kissing, haven't you ever kissed before? Is there such a kiss?"

"Otherwise what is it called?" Ling Yiran was a little angry, she did not admit it!

"This is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation! External chest compressions, one of which is called artificial respiration! Who made you lose your breath? You died in front of me, and the two countries will go to war again!" Yi Shuihan cursed, without any common sense!

"If you don't need to start a war, won't you save me?" Ling Yiran said angrily, it turned out that was the reason for saving him!
"I have no grievances with you, why do you insist on framing me!"

"Hmph, you forced me! Didn't you let me die that day?"

"Damn, I told you to jump off a building, do you really want to jump?!"

"I'll show you the dance tomorrow!"

"Are you crazy! Or are you really drowned and stupid?!"

"I was poisoned by you! I died because of you! You are the chief culprit..."



The quarrel finally stopped with a sneeze, and Yi Shui rushed to the cabin to look for clothes.

Ling Yiran was still lying on the deck, and when he calmed down, he felt a dull pain on his face, as if he had been slapped twice.

When he went back to look in the mirror, he was so angry that he dropped the mirror. No wonder everyone along the way looked at him strangely, and there was a palm print on each side of his face!

A grand and luxurious open-air feast is about to begin.

The hunting ground used by the royal family, the mountains in the distance are majestic and steep, the lakes and mountains are beautiful, and there is no end in sight.

With the flags flying and the arena built high, many martial arts masters competed on the stage, and several expensive horses ran on the racecourse, attracting applause from the crowd.

If the palace banquet two days ago was a literary banquet, then today's is a military banquet.

All the envoys from various countries could see the intention of this banquet, which was to show the military strength of each country.

The emperor has already opened his mouth and invited envoys from various countries to send experts to come to the stage to discuss and have fun.

This is said lightly, all the fighters on the stage put in their best efforts, winning or losing not only represents the face of the individual, but also the face of the country.

Around the arena, sheds were built one by one, and the most front shed naturally belonged to the emperor.

There are several cases on display, delicious wine and delicacies, all of which are luxurious, and princes, nobles, dignitaries and dignitaries all took their seats one after another.

"Wow, what an imposing hunting ground." Qianxue clicked her tongue twice.

(End of this chapter)

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