Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 829 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 829 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 03
Qianxue wanted to see the majesty of the royal family, so she also came along with the master of ceremonies.

Yi Shuihan was sitting idle in the arbor, and didn't send anyone out to the ring, remembering that she almost lost her life here.

"Hey, why is he here? Who is that person?" Qianxue pointed to a person in the arbor opposite.

"You know him?" Yi Shuihan glanced at the man and raised his eyebrows.

"I just asked because I didn't know him. I bumped into that person on the street that day, and he insisted on pestering him. I scolded him, beat his subordinates, and then ran away."

"He is Baili Wuyun, the prince of Donglin Kingdom, and an envoy to Beiming Kingdom."

"What? Such a great status." Qianxue immediately sat aside and pulled down the curtain a little. If such a powerful and powerful person was recognized by him, she would definitely not be able to walk around.

"Don't hide it, he has already seen you and is walking this way." Yi Shuihan seemed to see something interesting.

"What?" Qianxue was startled, and as soon as she lifted the curtain, she saw a cloudless sky.

"Little wild cat, so you are here." Baili Wuyun looked at Qianxue with great interest, with a look of determination.

Qianxue frowned, she hated this kind of self-righteous man the most.

Seeing this, the master of ceremonies not far away immediately came over and sat beside Qianxue, completely ignoring Baili Wuyun, and asked Qianxue, "Do you want something to eat?"

"No, I'm not hungry, I want to go horseback riding." Qianxue said after taking a sip of water.

"I'm also going to ride a horse, let's go together." The master of ceremonies said.

"Okay." Qianxue nodded, then got up and walked away with the master of ceremonies.

Baili Wuyun's face darkened, and he actually ignored him nakedly?Dare to flirt with other men in front of him?
"Sixth Prince of Donglin Kingdom, you are blocking my sight." Yi Shuihan looked at Baili Wuyun, meaning to ask you to get out of the way.

"You! Hmph!" Baili Wuyun was so angry that he waved his sleeves away.

Qian Xue and the master of ceremonies happened to meet Shangguan Ling and Guan Shan, so they sat down and talked together.

Guan Shan exchanged a few words with the master of ceremonies, and then went to have tea and chat together.

"Ling'er, how are you doing recently?" Qianxue is not used to this kind of Ling'er, she is quiet and elegant, with a slight smile, and is generous, but she prefers Ling'er who is shy and shows a confused expression from time to time.

"Very good, thank you Miss Qian for your concern." Shangguan Ling smiled slightly, made tea carefully, and then poured a cup for Qian Xue.

"Ling'er, I was very sorry before." Qianxue said guiltily.

"It's me who should apologize. I was too willful and ignorant before, Qianxue." Shangguan Ling's indifferent expression collapsed a little, and his voice trembled a little.

"Linger..." Qianxue couldn't believe it, Linger called her Qianxue?Can they still be the same as before?

The two of them were talking about the past and the past half a year, and they almost shed tears while talking.

When talking about Gu Xiangrong, Qianxue realized that she had never seen Guan Shan looking for Xiang Rong, and that Xiang Rong had never mentioned Guan Shan. Could it be that the two were at odds: "Guan Shan, what happened to you and Xiang Rong?"

Hearing this, Guan Shan was stunned for a moment, and said a little remorsefully, "Miss Qian, I'm already married."

Qianxue was surprised, the world is really unpredictable, she sighed a little, who can decide the joys and sorrows in the world, suddenly, she felt that she was too small, she was afraid of losing, and hoped that everyone would have a happy ending, so she always tried her best to turn the tide, but in the end Instead, she couldn't stop things from happening.

Thinking of this, she thought of Shuihan again, Shuihan is very powerful, but Shuihan never does anything, let everything go, maybe because Shuihan doesn't care, he is so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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