Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 830 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 830 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 04
"Qianxue, my brother still misses you." Shangguan Ling said suddenly, now she only wants her brother to be happy.

"Ling'er, it's impossible for me to be locked in a square sky." Qianxue said tactfully, especially after seeing Tianshui Kingdom, she wanted to fly even higher, and she had already let go.

After talking for a while, Qianxue went back, while Guan Shan and the master of ceremonies went to ride horses.

Unfortunately, they actually met Baili Wufeng, Qianxue made a detour, but Baili Wufeng's people blocked him again.

"I've seen the king of Donglin, what's the matter?" Qianxue pretended to lower her eyebrows and said pleasingly, she didn't want to cause trouble.

"Qianxue, Miss Ten from Qian's family. Last year, Miss Qian was famous in Ningcheng. She is eccentric and behaves perversely. Is this king right?" Baili Wuyun is more interested in Qianxue. .

"Your Highness has flattered you, Qianxue will leave first."

"Wait." Baili Wuyun stopped her, and deliberately leaned forward.

"I don't know what's the matter with the lord?" Qianxue took two steps back, extremely displeased in her heart, if Baili Wuyun didn't have the identity of a lord, she would have made a move a long time ago.

"Go to Donglin Kingdom with me, and I will grant you a lifetime of honor and favor." Baili Wuyun said wildly, Qianxue was just the concubine daughter of a merchant, and giving her a lifetime of honor and favor is already a great gift, which many women dream of.

"I can't bear it, good dogs don't block the way!" Qian Xue's eyes flashed ridicule, she pushed away a guard who was blocking her, and hurried away.

A good dog doesn't block the way?Baili Wuyun was so angry that he actually called him a dog?Qianxue, he must win!
Qian Xue returned to the shed and saw Yi Shuihan talking with a beautiful woman in yellow clothes, the beauty kept smiling at Yi Shuihan, when did Yi Shuihan know such a person.

"Shuihan, what are you talking about?"

"Let's chat, this is Ling Caiyi, and she is Qianxue." Yi Shuihan briefly introduced.

The surname is Ling, Qianxue looked at Ling Caiyi in surprise, that is to say, this beauty is a princess: "Hello, my name is Qianxue."

Ling Caiyi was also a little surprised. She had heard the name Qianxue many times last year, but she had never seen it. She never expected to see it today.

"Caiyi has heard about Miss Qian for a long time, it is Caiyi's luck to get to know her today."

"Hehe, it's my luck." Qianxue was a little embarrassed, and she wasn't used to speaking politely.

What followed was Qianxue and Ling Caiyi's chat, and Yi Shuihan was called away by Su Ziyan to watch the martial arts competition.

The two people in the arena were fighting inseparably, Beiming Kingdom vs. Donglin Kingdom.

"Aren't you going to send someone to the ring?" Su Ziyan glanced at Yi Shuihan.

"No, I generally don't like to use force to solve problems." Yi Shuihan was quite helpless, she had no intention of participating in such a competition.

"I'm afraid it won't be as you wish." Su Ziyan smiled lazily.

At this time, the winners and losers of the two in the arena had already been divided, Beiming Kingdom won, and that person was the vanguard under Shangguan Yan's command, Chu Yong.

After a burst of applause, the emperor Ling Xiaoran had hardly spoken a word, and now he spoke: "I haven't seen the brave men of Tianshui Kingdom yet, I want to meet the brave men of Tianshui Kingdom, what do you think of the Tianshui Seven Emperors?"

Chu Yong in the ring was surprised, he is not smart, but he is not stupid, why is it him?What is the meaning of the emperor's arrangement?
Yi Shuihan smiled: "Why not." After speaking, he signaled Ying Wu to go to the ring.

"Your Highness, my subordinate..." Ying Wu was a little embarrassed. Among the Twelve Shadows, she was the worst in martial arts. Why did His Highness choose her?

"Go all out, it doesn't matter if you win or lose." Yi Shuihan waved his hands and urged Ying Wu to come on stage.

"Yes, Your Highness." Ying Wu raised his sword and entered the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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