Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 837 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 837 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 11
"My Highness doesn't want your life, but a finger of yours." Yi Shuihan said lazily, and ignored it after finishing speaking.

Hearing this, Lin Daiyu was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound. Want her a finger?She couldn't imagine how ugly the palm without a finger was. Suddenly, she remembered the first time she saw Yi Shuihan. In the Jinlou, she pointed at Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan said no. I like this gesture and tell her not to do it next time, or be careful with her fingers.

"General Shangguan, Cousin Ling is really courageous. His Highness appreciates it very much. Can you give Cousin Ling to His Highness as a gift?" Su Ziyan asked with a half-smile.

"Cousin, cousin, no, no..." Lin Daiyu suddenly looked up at Shangguanyan, her face was pale, and she shook her head in horror. If she was handed over, she would definitely be tortured to death.

"My cousin is very much loved by my mother. If my cousin goes to Xiyue Kingdom, my mother will definitely be reluctant to part with it. Please forgive me, Mrs. Xiyue." Shangguan Yan's tone was sincere and polite, even a bit of pleading to let go of his status.

"Could it be that General Shangguan's mother can't part with His Highness?" Su Ziyan said forcefully.

The implication is that your mother's status is higher than hers?
Shangguanyan was in a dilemma. Although he didn't like Lin Daiyu, he was still his cousin.

"Ben will be able to give my cousin to the Empress of the West Moon for a period of time. When the Empress of the West Moon leaves the Beiming Kingdom, I will come to pick her up and continue to accompany my mother. It is not good for the cousin to disturb the Empress of the West Moon for a long time. "

"Okay, but my Highness does not guarantee whether the general Shangguan will pick up the living or the dead." Su Ziyan smiled lazily.

"No, don't, cousin, save, save me..." Lin Daiyu was so panicked that tears flowed, and her delicate makeup was ruined by tears.

Shangguan Yan was also startled, he also knew that Su Ziyan and Yi Shuihan would not let Lin Daiyu go, but he did not think that Lin Daiyu would be killed because of his rude words, it was he who underestimated the women of Xiyue Tianshui, they were ruthless and bloodthirsty , Iron-blooded and cruel.

"I would have asked the Empress of the West Moon to spare Lin Daiyu's life, and I would have been grateful." Shangguan Yan even used his status as a general.

"Since General Shangguan requested it, His Highness will spare her life, but His Highness cannot guarantee whether Lin Daiyu will be intact when General Shangguan comes to pick her up."

When Lin Daiyu heard this, she collapsed on the ground and trembled all over. She had already thought of the incomplete consequences, which would definitely be more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Xiyue, can you let Lin Daiyu go back to visit her mother first, tomorrow I will send someone to send Lin Daiyu to Mrs. Xiyue's post." Shangguan Yan begged, and there was only these things he could do for Lin Daiyu.

"Okay, my Highness wants to see Lin Daiyu before noon tomorrow, otherwise." Su Ziyan didn't continue, just smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Xiyue." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Yan asked the guards to send Lin Daiyu, who was trembling all over, back to the General's Mansion.

After a small farce ended, they turned to the arena again. The people from Donglin Country seemed to have won several games in a row.

Suddenly, a purple figure appeared on the stage, and the people who were lacking in interest immediately raised their spirits. These competitions are usually performed by the subordinates of the general. Now that a distinguished person appeared, how could it not cause a sensation.

In two or three strokes, the people of Donglin Kingdom were defeated. The ministers of Beiming Kingdom applauded again and again, and many ladies from the official family gave shy and admiring eyes.

"The seventh emperor of Tianshui, this king wants to compete with you. If you lose, I will marry you. If this king loses, I will marry you."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent for two seconds, and then there was an uproar. Did they hear it wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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