Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 838 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 838 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 12
Qianxue and Ling Caiyi were drinking tea and chatting, but when they heard this familiar voice, they looked at each other, did they recognize the wrong person?So they immediately turned to the arena, and when they saw it, they sighed, their courage is commendable!

Su Ziyan looked at Yi Shuihan, and joked: "You are quite attractive, so many beautiful men, can you afford to hug them?"

Facing thousands of eyes, Yi Shuihan curled his lips, and when he was about to refuse, someone robbed him of his words.

"I'm here to compete with you." A figure had already entered the ring.

Some generals who participated in the attack on Tianshui Kingdom immediately recognized the person on the stage. Isn't this the fifth prince of Donglin Kingdom Baili Wushang who is always sitting in the corner drinking tea?Why is he here?Wasn't he detained by Tianshui Kingdom?

Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead helplessly, probably they all came.

Two equally outstanding members of the royal family, if Ling Yiran is the noble violet, then Baili Wushang is the tulip in the valley.

Ling Yiran was furious, and the coldness in his eyes was fully revealed, every time Baili Wushang obstructed him in every possible way.

"Ninth Prince of Beiming Kingdom, don't you understand?" Baili Wushang said coldly, this Ling Yiran is really shameless, Shui Han already has a husband, and he wants to marry him!

But he forgot that he was the same way back then.

"Hmph, did you mean that bamboo flute? I already threw it away." Ling Yiran said coldly. Fortunately, he learned yesterday that the bamboo flute in the palace banquet was designed by Baili Wushang. Sad for so long in vain.

"Then I have no choice but to do it." Baili Wushang took a sword, he had no confidence to win, and he shouldn't lose too badly, as long as Shui Han was not allowed to make a move, Ling Yiran would have no chance.

"Who said this king wants to compete with you?" Ling Yiran sneered.

Baili Wuyun saw that Ling Yiran and Wushang seemed to have a deep hatred, so he said, "Fifth brother, are you representing Donglin Kingdom or Tianshui Kingdom this time?"

Wushang would not give Baili Wuyun a good look, and sneered, "Baili Wuyun, I don't represent Donglin Kingdom or Tianshui Kingdom."

Baili Wuyun's face turned dark immediately, because of his face, he at least respectfully called him fifth brother, but Baili Wushang actually called him by his full name?

At this time, Ling Xiaoran spoke: "Then, the fifth prince of Donglin Kingdom, which side do you represent?"

Wushang smiled: "Of course it's the lord who represents the Seventh Queen of Tianshui." The implication is that you, Ling Yiran, still have the nerve to come to participate? !

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. Not only was Baili Wushang detained, but he was also married to a woman. This is a shame for men in a patriarchal country.

Yi Shuihan wished he could find a hole in the ground to get in, it was useless for him to say such nasty words, and the people present looked at her with contempt.

Ling Yiran's face was gloomy. Baili Wushang's words were indirectly slandering him. When he entered the ring, he predicted that he would lose to Yi Shuihan. Wushang embarrassed him!
Baili Wuyun wanted to save face, and said righteously: "Baili Wushang, you traitor, country, thief, even abandoned Donglin Kingdom, you don't deserve to be a member of the Donglin royal family!"

Wushang smiled unabated: "A marriage with true feelings and sincerity can just promote the friendship between the two countries. Don't you think Baili Wuyun doesn't want Donglin Kingdom and Tianshui Kingdom to be peaceful and friendly?"

Baili Wuyun was at a loss for words, and his heart was burning with anger. Today he lost face one after another, hum!He will definitely not make these people feel better!
(End of this chapter)

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