Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 843 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 843 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 17
"Mother, are you alright?" Shangguan Yan asked worriedly.

"No, nothing." The old lady's voice trembled slightly, and she looked at Shangguan Yan lovingly. This matter must not drag down her son. It is such an honor for him to be a general, and he must not be destroyed by her hands.

The old lady looked at Lin Daiyu sternly, and said lovingly: "Daiyu, Auntie will keep you safe, but you have to remember, don't say anything you shouldn't say, and you should go and make amends to Empress Xiyue and Yi Shuihan first. .”

"No, don't, aunt, you know that Yi Shuihan will definitely kill me!" Lin Daiyu yelled desperately, why didn't aunt save her?

"Shut up! Listen to Auntie, when you come back, Auntie will let you marry Yan'er." The old lady said sharply.

"Mother, I won't marry my cousin!" Shangguan Yan frowned.

"Liar! Auntie, you lied to me! I will die if I go, and you are clearly pushing me to die!" Lin Daiyu took two steps back in horror.

"Shut up!" The old lady slapped the table angrily and said angrily.

"Auntie, you want me to be a scapegoat! You are really vicious, you are the most vicious woman, you vicious woman..."

"Shut her mouth!" The old lady was trembling with anger, and ordered the servant girl behind her.

Shangguan Yan frowned: "Wait a minute, mother, what happened?"

The old lady's expression flickered, and she said sadly: "It's okay, Daiyu is already crazy, since she can't be saved, send her away."

"No! No! You poisonous woman! Cousin, don't trust her, she hates Yi Shuihan for ruining the Lin family..."

"Shut up! Shut up! Huh, huh, shut up! Huh..." The old lady was out of breath, her face was pale, and she was trembling.

"Mother, mother, don't be angry, don't be angry." Shangguan Yan quickly calmed down the old lady.

"She hated Yi Shuihan and Qianxue, so she gave me a lot of money and asked me to go out and hire the Demon Palace to kill Yi Shuihan and Qianxue. However, the Demon Palace failed, and she asked me to hire the Hell Gate to kill them. Now I want to go As a scapegoat, Yi Shuihan will definitely not let me go, aunt, you are so vicious..." Lin Daiyu said loudly frantically.

"Shut up!" Shangguan Yan said angrily, clasping Lin Daiyu's neck with his hands, he would never allow anyone to slander his mother.

The old lady was already slumped on the chair, her eyes were full of panic, and her hands were hanging down feebly.

Shangguan Ling was too shocked to speak, is what the cousin said true?Her mother is kind, and it is impossible for her to do things like paying for murder.

"Ahem, ahem, let go, me, cousin, what I said is true..." Lin Daiyu was terrified, and now her cousin was terrified, and she believed he would kill her.

Shangguanyan let go of his hand and looked at his mother's helpless look in disbelief. Did his mother buy Yi Shuihan and Qianxue to murder?

"Cough, cough, cough." Lin Daiyu panted heavily, as if walking through the gate of hell.

"Mother, is it true?" Shangguan Yan walked in front of the old lady in a daze.

He knew that it was Yi Shuihan who designed to frame the Lin family, but Lin Shangshu did commit a lot of crimes, and sooner or later he would end up copying the house, so he didn't pursue it, but he didn't expect his mother to hate him so much. It doesn't matter to Qianxue, why doesn't even Qianxue let her go?

Shangguan Ling also walked up to his mother and held her hand: "Mother."

The old lady looked at the pair of children and saw the inquiry and disappointment in their eyes. She felt that her mother had failed extremely, but who knew the pain in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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