Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 844 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 4

Chapter 844 Four Kingdoms Martial Banquet 18
"Yan'er, it's mother's fault. Mother's younger brother was murdered. How could mother not be heartbroken." The old lady cried.

"Didn't I say that Lin Shangshu deserves to die? Sooner or later, the Lin family will end up like this."

"No matter what mistakes your uncle made, he is still my younger brother." The old lady said sadly.

"What about Qianxue? Why didn't even Qianxue let go?" Shangguanyan asked tremblingly.

"Yan'er, you have a successful career, and you are calm and wise in doing things, but you lost your sense of proportion when you met that Qianxue. How could mother allow you to be ruined by a woman?"

Shangguan Yan laughed, was it ruined by Qianxue?He would rather be ruined in her hands, who knows how he got here for half a year.

Shangguan Ling had a guilty expression on her face. She still had some resentment towards Yi Shuihan, but at this moment, she couldn't hate her anymore, after all, her mother did such a thing.

"Yan'er, all of this is mother's fault. Your future cannot be ruined in mother's hands. Yi Shuihan must not let Yi Shuihan know about this. If Daiyu is sent over, Daiyu must tell it. Yi Shuihan knows that the person behind the scenes is his mother, and Yi Shuihan will definitely not let the general's mansion go, now he can only take Daiyu first..." The old lady's eyes flashed sinister, now Daiyu must die, even if her son wants to hate her , she can only do this.

Shangguan Ling couldn't believe it, mother wanted to kill Lin Daiyu?Doesn't mother love Lin Daiyu very much?

Shangguan Yan's eyes were full of pain, and he said slowly: "With Yi Shuihan's intelligence, I'm afraid he has already found out everything."

The old madam was terrified, her face turned ashen, and she said in a heartbroken voice: "Yan'er, I'm sorry, it was my mother who hurt you. Tomorrow, my mother will go to apologize to Empress Tianshui. Even if my mother apologizes with death, she will not implicate you... "

"Stop talking, don't go, Yi Shuihan hasn't done anything for a long time, you shouldn't pursue it anymore, don't think about anything, rest well, I still have some things to deal with." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Yan left the hall, every step Very heavy.

The old lady looked at her son's far away figure with great pain. The son had already alienated her, and he didn't even call his mother.

"Mother, don't think too much, brother will take care of it." Shangguanling comforted, Shangguan's family has done such a thing, and now she can't ask Tianshui Seventh Prince to let Lin Daiyu go, looking back, Lin Daiyu is gone .


Lin Daiyu returned to the room in a panic, she wanted to escape, otherwise she would be sent to the West Moon Empress tomorrow.

She ran away first, and waited for the Empress Dowager Xiyue and Yi Shuihan to return to Xiyue Tianshui before returning to the General's Mansion.

But her aunt no longer helped her, and even wanted her to die, so she might not have the chance to marry her cousin in this life. Thinking of this, she felt a pain in her heart, absolutely not!This is her lifelong wish.

With a heartbroken heart, she found a pack of medicine powder from the corner of the bed. She had been preparing this medicine for a long time, but she dared not use it. Cousin is a very affectionate person. This is her last chance to stay by his side.

After bathing and dressing up, she wore a bright red long dress, painted a bridal makeup, pinned red flowers on her hair, and put on a dragon and phoenix bracelet. Then she looked in the mirror and smiled.

Lin Daiyu came to the study and knocked on the door: "Cousin, are you there?"

"I'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do. Cousin, you go back first."

"Cousin, my cousins ​​haven't spoken to each other for a long time. I don't know whether I will live or die tomorrow. I want to talk to you." Lin Daiyu choked up, her voice trembling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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