Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 900 Ending: Happy World 16

Chapter 900 Ending: Happy World 16
"Quickly get the backup boat ready, retreat at full speed!" Cyclops made a decisive decision, it must be the other party's tricks, beauties with jewels are good, but they are not as good as their own lives.

All of a sudden, the pirate ship was in a mess, the seawater had already flooded the deck, the good swimmers dived to escape, the average swimmers snatched the driftwood ring, and some even went to the cabin to get back their money.

"Where's the boat?" The fat woman shouted.

"Second leader, the boat was also gouged through a hole." A certain boy said, and then jumped into the water with a piece of driftwood in his arms.

"What? Give me a piece of driftwood!" Cyclops shouted loudly, he was about to be blown up when he saw his subordinates flying away in a catastrophe.

"Want to leave? Is it too late?" Yi Shuihan smiled evilly, took an arrow, and broke it.

There was a whoosh, followed by a scream that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods. From then on, the one-eyed dragon is not called the one-eyed dragon.

"Ah, boss!" The bald man backed away a few steps in fright.

The one-eyed dragon now looks extremely ferocious, with an arrow sticking out of one eye, and red blood flowing down its dark face.

"Ah, ah, my eyes, my eyes..." The one-eyed dragon rolled on the deck, scurrying like crazy.

The fat woman glanced at the one-eyed dragon, and broke out in a cold sweat. She looked at Yi Shuihan on the opposite boat in horror. Those gloomy eyes stared at her. She felt her heart was being pinched, and she took two steps back. Staggering, he fell headlong into the sea, with a plop, splashing a few waves.

Ah, the fat woman screamed, the voice pierced the sky, it was extremely ear-piercing, grunting, she drank a few mouthfuls of sea water before she surfaced, she looked extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this, the beauties on board were slightly less angry just now.

"Qihang, continue to set off!" Yi Shuihan turned around and said to everyone.

"Shuihan, let them go like this?" Wushang said.

"Ahem, I am very merciful. The so-called forgiving and forgiving." Yi Shuihan looked righteous and generous.

The sails were slowly raised and headed towards the wind.

"Xueying, take the map of this sea area and follow me into the room."

Yi Shuihan beckoned to Xueying, and then entered the cabin gracefully, leaving all the beautiful men with puzzled faces behind, what is Shuihan going to do?
Seeing Yi Shuihan with a fox-like face, Xueying couldn't help shivering in her heart, guessing that the pavilion master is planning something.

"Xueying, apart from that secret mercenary in the dark pavilion, how many good people are there?"

"This level is not very clear. Except for the mercenaries, none of them have received swimming training and have never been in the sea. It is estimated that even if they can swim, they will not be very good."

Xueying replied truthfully, feeling suspicious in her heart, could it be that the pavilion is mainly teaching the gang of pirates just now?Even if you want to teach him a lesson, you don’t need to dispatch the secret cabinet. As the cabinet owner, you only need to tell Her Majesty the Queen that you can send an army to wipe out the pirates at any time.

"This waterway leading to Tianshui and Beiming has hundreds of large islands around it. There are more than 30 pirates with tens of thousands of people. The islands stationed are all well-defended." Yi Shuihan concluded after looking at the map. .

Xueying was expressionless after hearing this, it was indeed the case, and then?So what, her premonition was getting worse and worse.

"Xueying, after docking, call out 100 people with good water skills from the dark pavilion, train them to be professional sailors, pick out [-] people from among the mercenaries, form four fleets, and dress up as merchant ships to come to this area. Sea area survey, the exact location of the islands in the sea area, the strength of each group of pirates, and dangerous locations, such as easy to hit the rocks, where there are many huge waves, etc., are surveyed clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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