Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 901 Ending: Happy World 17

Chapter 901 Ending: Happy World 17
"Yes, master." Xue Ying's tone was a bit stiff, the pavilion master didn't want to wipe out the pirates in this sea area in one fell swoop, did he?Although the pavilion master has this ability, will the pavilion master do such thankless things, things that serve the people, for nothing?

"Also, don't startle the enemy during the survey, and avoid pirates if you can." Yi Shuihan added.

"Yes, master." Xue Ying became more and more confused. The pavilion master really wanted to destroy these pirates. Could it be that the pavilion master personally took action because the pirates offended the pavilion master just now?

"Then select half of the mercenaries for maritime combat training, especially in guerrilla warfare, and train them into a navy that is elusive. What I want is one against ten."

"Yes, master, but the subordinates think that you may not need to take action against the pirates. Master, you are still the princess of Tianshui." The implication is that as long as the master gives an order, the army of Tianshui Kingdom will solve the problem.

"Ahem, Xueying, you can't do this, it makes me look too useless, and the extermination of pirates must be carried out in secret, and the wind must not be leaked. It must be done without anyone noticing."

"Master, it's a bit difficult. All the pirates on the sea were wiped out without a reason, and disappeared without a trace. How could it not arouse suspicion." Xue Ying was ashamed, whether she was too dull to keep up with the master's thinking, or the master was too smart .

"Who said that? Just find someone to replace these pirates."

"But who are you looking for to pretend?" Xue Ying was even more ashamed, where did she find so many people pretending to be pirates, what are they doing pretending to be pirates?
"There are so many people in the Dark Pavilion, I'm afraid we won't be able to find anyone. Besides, who said they have to pretend? It's a substitute, a substitute, understand?" Yi Shuihan looked earnest and seductive.

"Eh?" The corner of Xueying's mouth twitched, and she finally understood that the pavilion master wanted to occupy the island as king and become a pirate?
"Xueying, you don't have enough capital to be a pirate. You have to study hard in the future. Maybe I will make you the second master." Yi Shuihan smiled, patted Xueying on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, and then said happily out of the room.

The corner of Xueying's mouth twitched fiercely, she wants to be a pirate?Forget it, the master, the dignified master of the dark pavilion, the dignified princess of a country, would actually be a pirate?

Yi Shuihan and Xueying discussed in the room all afternoon, and all the beauties wanted to eavesdrop, but the sound insulation effect was too good, and Shuihan's hearing was excellent, so they dared not approach.

"Shuihan, what secret are you talking about? Even we can't know?" Mo Ningxun was the first to ask.

"It's nothing, you will know in the future." Yi Shuihan smiled mysteriously, if she said it now, they would definitely stop her.

"In that case, it doesn't matter to say it now." Ling Yiran said.

"I want to give you a surprise. It will take me half a year to prepare." Yi Shuihan pretended to be deep in thought, and said with a serious face.

The beautiful men heard that half a year is such a long time, so this surprise will definitely blow them up. Although they are eager to know, they have plenty of time, and half a year is not long at all.

"It's time for dinner again." Yi Shuihan looked out the window, the fog had dissipated a lot, and it is estimated that tomorrow will be a good day with clear skies.

Until night, a gust of sea breeze blew away the fog, and the night sky was dotted with stars, like pearls falling into the sea, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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