Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 929 Ending: Happy World 45

Chapter 929 Ending: Happy World 45
The morning light broke through the night, passed through the mist of last night, and scattered on the ground, reflecting golden spots.

The room was messy, the breath of last night had faded away, leaving only a deserted room.

Yi Shuihan was stunned for a full minute, and while talking last night, somehow threw Fu Hongchen down, and then did some very outrageous things.

She was the only one left in the room, Fu Hongchen was missing, she immediately got up and dressed and went out, this time it's over, damn it, she was tricked by Fu Hongshuang, unexpectedly Fu Hongshuang would not let her brother off.

The butler is instructing the servants to prepare breakfast and take out the tea leaves to dry. It is estimated that the master will stay here for a while, so prepare more.

"Master, do you want to have breakfast now?" Seeing Yi Shuihan coming in a hurry, the housekeeper asked quickly.

"Have you seen Fu Hongchen? It's the people who live in the courtyard on the west side. Have you seen any strangers this morning?" Yi Shuihan asked another way, the housekeeper had never met Fu Hongchen.

"Eh? No, who is the master looking for?" The butler was at a loss.

"Have you seen Fu Hongshuang? It's the woman in red who came last night."

"Eh? No, Ms. Fu? I didn't see any movement in Ms. Fu's room this morning." The butler replied that Ms. Fu was a guest, so he couldn't knock on the door to bother her.

Yi Shuihan hurriedly walked towards Fu Hongshuang's room, maybe Fu Hongshuang had already escaped.

"Shuihan, where are you going?" Wushang called to stop her, that was not the direction to the front hall.

Yi Shuihan stopped in her tracks when she heard the sound, and when she looked back, Shuiyou's extremely gentle face came into her eyes. At this moment, she even wanted to jump off the building.

"Shuihan, what's wrong with you?" Wushang came to her and saw her troubled expression.

"Have you seen Fu Hongchen and Fu Hongshuang?" Yi Shuihan still decided to deal with the Fu brothers and sisters first.

"Isn't Fu Hongchen in Xiyuan? Fu Hongshuang went out very early, what happened?" Wushang immediately noticed something was wrong.

"I'll tell you another day." Yi Shuihan turned around and left. Sure enough, Fu Hongshuang had already escaped, so what about Fu Hongchen?
"What's the matter? It's the same if you say it now." Wushang immediately caught up with her and asked relentlessly. Shui Han had something to hide from her.

Yi Shuihan stopped and looked at him solemnly. They will know sooner or later, and she will tell her sooner or later. If she has already asked, she can only say.

"Last night, I threw Fu Hongchen down." After saying that, Yi Shuihan ignored Wushang who was shocked and sad, and walked away.

When she came to the front yard, she saw Fengying coming in through the gate, just in time, she was in a hurry to find Fengying.

"Master, there's news." In a year, Feng Ying became more stable, with the air of a general in every gesture.

"How about it, tell me quickly."

"Ten days ago, people from Jue Sha Lou sneaked into Beiming Kingdom secretly and found the gate of hell. The purpose was to kidnap you, master. Fu Hongshuang agreed and plotted to act on the night of the Flower God Festival. After the operation failed, Fu Hongshuang sent someone to Go to the woods to destroy the corpses."

Now Yi Shuihan finally understands why Fu Hongchen appeared that night, maybe Fu Hongshuang didn't intend to help Jueshalou, and even the person who shot the arrow was someone from the gate of hell.

"Immediately send people to find the whereabouts of Fu Hongchen and Fu Hongshuang, and when they find them, they say that I want to see them." Yi Shuihan gritted his teeth, what's the point of leaving like this? !

"Yes." Fengying took the order and left quickly.


Here, Wushang reacted from his anger, immediately went to call Mo Ningxun and the others, and went straight to Xiyuan Xingshi to inquire about the crime!

But Xiyuan has long been empty, dark and silent, empty.

"How to deal with Fu Hongchen?" Ling Yiran's eyes were ruthless, not only did he not sign the house rules, he actually dared to climb onto Shuihan's bed, and finally escaped!

"Hmph, everyone is gone, so what are you going to do with it?" Cheng Bi snorted coldly, it would be best not to come back after leaving.

Everyone was silent, they all wished that Fu Hongchen would not come back, but they already had such a relationship with Shui Han, it was impossible not to come back, the strangest thing was why did Fu Hongchen run away?
"What is this?" Qian Nuo looked at the soot on the candlestick, frowned and said.

Everyone looked at it, how could there be soot on the candle, and there was no soot on other candlesticks, only this candlestick had soot.

Wushang took a piece of paper and picked up a little cigarette ash, observed the light, and then smelled it.

"Is there something strange?" Rong Yun asked.

"Missing Fragrance, Fantasy Flower, Green Bamboo Grass, and many similar herbs, and a small amount of Wushisan." Wushang's face was gloomy, and the sternness in his eyes was fully revealed.

"What is this?" Mo Ningxun frowned, in fact, he also guessed [-] points.

"Mei. Yao!" Wushang gritted his teeth.

"What! Fu Hongchen is so brave, he dared to give Shui Han a love potion!" Ling Yiran hated the love potion deeply, and once gave Shui Han a love potion in Yu Hongtian in Beicheng.

"Don't draw conclusions until the matter is clear." Rong Yun said disappointedly.

"How to find out, should I ask Fu Hongchen or Yi Shuihan?" Cheng Bi asked with a half-smile.

After tossing around all morning, everyone lost their appetite for breakfast and wanted to talk to Yi Shuihan, but seeing that Yi Shuihan had already returned to his room, he hesitated for a long time and still did not knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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