Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 930 Ending: Happy World 46

Chapter 930 Ending: Happy World 46
Fu Hongshuang fled to the biggest inn in Shaoguang Town, and was having a celebration banquet with her husbands. When she was having a good drink, she was found by Fengying's people.

"What? Fu Hongchen isn't at Yi Shuihan's place? Why did he disappear?" Fu Hongshuang was so surprised that she slapped the table. Could it be that what happened last night didn't happen?

The celebration banquet came to an abrupt end, and Fu Hongshuang immediately sent someone to find Fu Hongchen. She thought about it, why did Fu Hongchen run away?Could it be that Yi Shuihan did something excessive to him last night?
"Master Fu, my master invites you to come."

"Well, I'll go to your master later, you go back and report first." Fu Hongshuang hurriedly sent her away, she was not an idiot, she went to find Yi Shuihan now, it would be strange if Yi Shuihan didn't kill her.

"Shuang, this time I played too much, what should I do?" Li Ziyuan was a little regretful, he shouldn't be in the same boat with Shuang, he has tried his best to stop it.

"What else can I do? Yi Shuihan said that it is polite to invite me, the most urgent thing is to find Fu Hongchen, and quickly send someone to the gate of hell to see if he has returned."

After tossing for a long time, Fu Hongshuang moved from the most luxurious inn to the most inconspicuous inn.


In the afternoon of the next day, when Fu Hongshuang thought she had escaped, Yi Shuihan came to her.

Fu Hongshuang knew that she couldn't escape, but at least she couldn't die too badly, at least she couldn't lose her confidence.

"Yi Shuihan, where's my brother?" Fu Hongshuang's face was stern, showing how much she cared about her brother.

"Hmph, Fu Hongshuang, you don't have to act anymore, I was just about to ask you where Fu Hongchen is?" Yi Shuihan snorted, and cast a sidelong glance at Fu Hongshuang.

"I'm also looking for him. You are already like my brother. When are you going to marry him?" Fu Hongshuang raised her eyebrows, Yi Shuihan came alone, she was a little calmer.

"How's your brother and I doing?" Yi Shuihan smiled brightly, it really was Fu Hongshuang's fault!
"Don't you guys?" Fu Hongshuang was shocked. Shui Han could easily find an antidote, but who would Fu Hongchen ask for an antidote?It's still missing now, maybe something happened.

The more Fu Hongshuang thought about it, the worse it became, and finally she panicked: "Zi Yuan, Zi Yuan, has anyone who went to check at the gate of hell come back?"

Li Ziyuan shook his head, with a worried expression on his face: "Not yet, I guess he will be back before dusk."

"Oops, there's no cure for that medicine, Yi Shuihan! If anything happens to Fu Hongchen, I'll swear against you!" Fu Hongshuang's eyes were full of sternness, and her cruel side was finally exposed.

"Don't forget, it was you who prescribed the medicine." Yi Shuihan frowned.

"Then you shouldn't have abandoned him so cruelly." Fu Hongshuang stroked her forehead remorsefully, and sat down on the chair slumped.

"I didn't abandon him, he escaped by himself."

"Impossible, you can't escape after taking that medicine. I sent people to guard the gate of the yard, but no one came out." The more Fu Hongshuang thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She had already put eyeliner around the house, and Fu Hongchen was caught. Drugs can't escape.

"How is it impossible? With your brother's cultivation, it's easy to avoid a few people."

Fu Hongshuang looked worried and regretful, this time she really panicked, Fu Hongchen was more diligent than her, so her martial arts were higher than hers, and she was not stupid, so she was never worried: "When did he leave?"

"do not know."

"I don't know? How could you not know? Didn't you go to my brother's room?" Fu Hongshuang frowned, otherwise how could Yi Shuihan be safe and sound.


"Go? Then why don't you help Fu Hongchen cure the medicine!" Fu Hongshuang was so angry that she slapped the table. This incident was caused by her alone. How could she face her dead father.

"It's solved." In fact, she took Fu Hongchen as the antidote.

Fu Hongshuang was stunned, and looked at Yi Shuihan incredulously, "Fixed it? Did you solve it?"

"Who else is it if it's not me?" Yi Shuihan also had a thick skin.

When Fu Hongshuang heard it, all the worries and regrets just now disappeared without a trace, my father's!Yi Shuihan said half of it and didn't say half, deliberately playing tricks on her!
"Then why did my brother disappear? Did you say something unfeeling to him?"

"I didn't say anything! I didn't even know when he left!"

"Okay, okay, what are you going to do after you find my brother?" Fu Hongshuang teased, and Fu Hongchen probably ran away because he didn't know what to do.

"I'll talk about it after I find it, but Fu Hongshuang, you colluded with Jueshalou, assassinated me, and drugged me. How do you settle these accounts?"

"I just pretended to cooperate with Jueshalou. As for killing you, you will soon be my relatives. How could I kill you? As for prescribing medicine, it is a quick knife to cut the mess. Those love and hatred entanglements have been chasing and chasing for years. My brother There is not so much youth and so on, instead of wasting time, it is better to get married as soon as possible, everyone will be better off."

"Oh, it's easy for you to say it, let's be more serious. No matter how you explain it, I've been tricked by you. What are you going to do?"

"Yi Shuihan, at least we have become relatives, you won't even care about this?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's not up to you to decide whether you will be a relative or not."

"What? You still want to renege? My brother's chastity archway was picked by you. If you don't marry him, what will he do in the future?!" Fu Hongshuang slapped the table angrily.

Chastity?Yi Shuihan almost fell off the chair, and she ruined another pure and beautiful man?This time she's done.

After waiting for an hour, Fu Hongshuang's people finally came back, saying that Fu Hongchen had gone back to the gate of hell.

Yi Shuihan felt that something was wrong, she even felt ashamed to face Fu Hongchen, no matter what, this matter had to be resolved, so she wrote a letter and sent someone to Yuanzi to go to the gate of hell with Fu Hongshuang.

Unexpectedly, Wushang and others felt that something was wrong, so they secretly followed Yi Shuihan to the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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