Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 938 Ending: Happy World 54

Chapter 938 Ending: Happy World 54
Fu Hongchen looked at her incredulously, something was growing in his heart, he longed, was afraid, and finally was forced by her to have no way out, he was already lost.

"Fu Hongchen, have you ever liked me? Even a little bit." Yi Shuihan pressed her every step of the way, she wanted to win Fu Hongchen's heart no matter what, they already had an inseparable relationship.

After hesitating for a long time, his pale face seemed to light up a little, his eyes flickered, and then he nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Yi Shuihan was overjoyed. He still liked her, so he leaned forward and gave him a hug. He was very thin and had no flesh, which made her feel distressed.

Fu Hongchen was stunned again, at a loss what to do, hesitated for a while, not knowing whether it was tired or what, his head gently rested on her shoulder.

Yi Shuihan hugged him tightly: "Since you like me, you have to follow me."

"I won't go." Fu Hongchen pushed her away violently. He liked her, but he never thought of going with her. He was always afraid.

"Don't get excited, why don't you come with me? What are you afraid of?" Yi Shuihan was a little discouraged, he was more difficult to coax than her father.

He was silent, shook his head, and remained silent.

"Fu Hongchen, tell me. Even if you don't want to go with me, you can make me give up. I am rejected by you for no reason. I am not reconciled. If you don't tell me, I have no choice but to force you away." Blame her for being despicable, the matter is important, she can only threaten.

He hesitated, hesitated, and after a long time, he said slowly, "Are you going to push me into the fire?"

Yi Shuihan was stunned, ashamed, she did such an inhumane thing, and it turned out that she had left an indelible shadow in his heart.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, at that time I didn't know that I would like you in the future, let alone that you would like me."

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault." Fu Hongchen shook his head. At that time, he was the one who wanted to kill her first. What he was afraid of was that she didn't really like him, and even came to him because of a relationship.

"It's my fault." It was really her fault, she left him covered in bruises, and even got him pregnant.

"It wasn't your fault that time, no." He was not good at words, didn't know how to explain, and said somewhat incoherently.

"That means you've forgiven me?" Yi Shuihan felt that he was a bit despicable, and pushed his limits.

"Hmm." He nodded.

"Since you have forgiven me, like me a little bit, and have our baby, then you can come with me." Yi Shuihan said brazenly.

"No, don't force me." Fu Hongchen's eyes flashed with pain and struggle. If he agrees, there will be no way out, and he can only sink and lose.

"Why? Tell me, I can't give you the only one, but I will be responsible for you for the rest of my life." She rarely makes promises, especially to men, but for the few men around her, she makes promises again and again .

"You want me to go with you just out of responsibility, just because of that night?" He finally asked the most hesitant question in his heart.

"In my opinion, responsibility and commitment are better than almost everything, even better than life, so I will only make promises to people I like and approve of, so I have responsibility with you, and you are better than responsibility .”

"...If it wasn't for that night, would you like me?" He asked hesitantly, his pale face was stained with a suspicious blush, which was extraordinarily charming.

(End of this chapter)

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