Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 939 Ending: Happy World 55

Chapter 939 Ending: Happy World 55
"I don't know, but that night has already happened. The trend of history can only be the way it is now. No one can change it. What do you want to do with it? Don't add to your troubles." Yi Shuihan felt a little excited, He finally softened a little.

He suddenly became enlightened. He always lives in the past, entangles in the present, and fears the future.

"Do you have any questions? If you don't have any, just follow me. If you don't speak, I will take you as the default."

He was silent, he didn't know whether he was hesitating or something, something filled his heart, but he couldn't speak for a long time.

Yi Shuihan waited for two seconds, but he still didn't speak. He was excited, hugged him again, and whispered in his ear: "You have no chance to refuse."

He was at a loss again, and smiled involuntarily on his lips. After hesitating for a long time, he also put his arms around her waist. He hugged her very warmly. He was even a little hot, and even his heart beat faster.

Yi Shuihan was overjoyed, and restlessly moved his hands to touch his stomach, there is a little life here, which was created by her.

Fu Hongchen's face was so red that he was about to bleed, and he was debating whether to stop her hand, but thinking that he was also her child, he let her go. At this moment, he has already sunk, unable to extricate himself, no matter what the future holds for him. They have no hesitation.

"Hongchen, you don't seem to have called me by my name, why don't you call me?"

He was taken aback, a little at a loss, and hesitated for a long time before calling out in a low voice: "... Shui Han."

Yi Shuihan pretended to be disappointed: "Can't you be louder? Is it so difficult to call my name?"

He was even more at a loss, shook his head and said, "No, I'm not used to it."

"Scream twice and get used to it. It doesn't matter if you don't get used to it now. It will grow longer in the future, and maybe you will get tired of it."

"No." He won't get tired of it, he longs for a long future, and hopes for a long, long time. At this moment, he has never felt the joy that he is going to be a father, and his mother is her, which he never thought of. It came so suddenly that he even thought it was a dream.

"Hong Chen, are you still sleepy?"

"Not sleepy." He habitually shook his head.

"Have you had lunch yet?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You're not hungry, you're hungry inside." Yi Shuihan blamed him a little. It's been a long time since noon, and he hasn't had lunch, maybe even breakfast. How can Fu Hongshuang take care of others!

"I'm sorry." He blamed himself for being too careless.

"Don't say sorry, it's me who's sorry, get up and eat something, what do you like to eat..."

Yi Shuihan stayed in the pavilion for a long time, until late at night when Fu Hongchen fell asleep, she quietly left the pavilion.


Everyone was burning with anxiety, there was no movement in Yan Dian, so nothing should have happened.

"Shuihan." Seeing Yi Shuihan coming back, everyone quickly surrounded him, but they didn't know how to ask.

"Shuihan, is Fu Hongchen cured?" Qing Lian asked, it took a long time for treatment, it must be very serious.

"He's not sick." There was a faint black line on Yi Shuihan's forehead.

"How is he?" Rong Yun asked.

"He's fine, but you guys, what's the matter with you?" Yi Shuihan glanced at them. They kept asking for a baby life, and she didn't try to prevent pregnancy, but there was no movement. She thought she could play for a few more years, now Suddenly a little life appeared, she was nervous and scared but also pleasantly surprised, looking forward to his birth.

(End of this chapter)

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