Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 949 Extra: June Planet 6

Chapter 949 Extra: June Planet 09
After returning to the villa, I searched for a long time in the utility room and found the game controller.

Then take her to the room, turn on the computer, and let her play games.

"What game do you like to play? Come and see."

"Eh? Anything is fine, what do you usually play?" Yi Shuihan was depressed, she was just talking casually.

"I don't play games." Shui You said.

Yi Shuihan became even more depressed. He took a quick look and saw that this was his bedroom, which was very tidy. There was a row of bookshelves filled with boring books, and a row of CDs filled with classical music.

And he doesn't play games yet. He is at an age where he loves to play. Shouldn't he like some trendy things?
"What do you usually play?" she asked.

"Nothing to play." Shui You said.

"Then what do you usually do?" She asked again.

"Sleeping, reading, attending class, taking a walk, listening to music, that's about it. Do you think I'm boring?" Shui You was a little disappointed, he could only do this.

"No, as long as you like it," she said.

"What game are you going to play?" he asked.

"I won't play anymore. In fact, I don't like playing games very much. I just play games when I'm bored." Yi Shuihan said, it's not fun for her to play alone.

"...Would you feel bored here?" Shui You hesitated for a moment.

"A little bit." Yi Shuihan curled his lips and looked at him mysteriously. If she felt bored, she would deal with him directly, but now, he is also quite interesting, he is more fun.

"A little bit? How boring is it? Is it more boring than before?" Shui You asked.

"It's indeed more boring than before." She was very exciting before.

"Well, why don't I take you out to play." Shui You thought for a while, then said.

"Where to go?" This is not as simple as the suburbs, or a remote mountainside.

"Go downtown." Shui You turned off the computer.

"Downtown?" Yi Shuihan's eyes lit up. In fact, she didn't need him to take what she wanted to go out with, but it was far away from the city, and she couldn't go out without a car.

"Well, go and change quickly, I'll wait for you in the garage." Shui You looked at her maid outfit.

"Okay." Yi Shuihan went back to his room to change clothes.

Shuiyou looked in the drawer, found the car key, brought a few things, and went downstairs.

Aunt He was downstairs and saw Shui You holding a backpack, so she asked, "Master, where are you going?"

"I want to go out." Shui Youdan said, bypassing Aunt He and going out.

"Master, please wait a moment, where are you going?" Aunt He asked.

"Do I need to report to you where I'm going?" Shui You frowned.

"No, it's a bit hot now, young master, you'd better not go out." Aunt He said gently without changing her face.

Shuiyou ignored her and went out the door.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Aunt He's eyes, she chased after her and said, "Master, wait a minute, let the driver take you out."

"No need, I won't escape, anyway, I won't exist for a long time, will I?" Shui You said intentionally or unintentionally.

Aunt He was taken aback for a moment, then she resumed her usual dignified and generous manner, and said in a servant's manner, "Master, go early and come back early, take care of your health."


Yi Shuihan came to the garage and saw him leaning against a white sports car, he couldn't be the one driving the car, right?

He looked at her in surprise. She was dressed in simple casual attire, white shirt, black trousers, and her hair was tied up randomly. She looked a bit like a boy. Feel.

"Just the two of us?" Yi Shuihan asked, seeing no driver.

"Yes, get in the car." Shui You quickly looked away.

"Are you driving?" It's not that Yi Shuihan doesn't believe in his driving skills, it's that he looks weak and ready to fall down at any time, which makes her feel very insecure.

"Yes, get in the car, it's a long way from here to the city." Shui You said.

Since it was far away, Yi Shuihan was even more worried: "Give me the car keys."

"You want to drive?" Shui You looked at her incredulously, she was only 15 years old.

"Yes." Her driving skills are definitely better than his.

"Do you have a driver's license?" Shui You asked, 15 years old is not old enough to take a driver's license.

"No, stop rambling, it's getting dark." Yi Shuihan took the car key from his hand, and then sat on the driver's seat.

Shui You had no choice but to sit on the passenger seat.

Yi Shuihan started the car, drove out of the villa, and walked away.

After driving for a certain distance, Shui You suddenly looked at her and asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

This question has been bothering him for the past few days, and he has become more and more aware of her difference, which makes him very uneasy.

"Guess." Yi Shuihan smiled nonchalantly while driving, no matter whether he knew it or not, he was powerless to fight back.

"I can't guess, can you tell me?" Shui You said beggingly.

"No." Yi Shuihan refused.

"Well, I won't pursue this issue, when will you leave?" In fact, it doesn't matter if you know it or not, maybe it's better if you don't know, then you can continue like this forever.

"At the end of June, and, I will take one of your things away." Yi Shuihan pretended to be mysterious and said.

Shui You was taken aback, at the end of June, it is now the tenth, and there are still 20 days left, which is very short, but it is almost the same.

"What, can you tell me?"

"You will know when the time comes." Yi Shuihan glanced at him and said mysteriously.

"Okay." Shui You didn't pursue it, she would leave after taking the things, he didn't want this day to come too early.

"Why don't you sleep for a while, it's quite far away." Yi Shuihan saw that his expression was not looking good, and he probably fell down before she made a move.

"No, I'm not sleepy, you should drive seriously." Shui You said.

Yi Shuihan thought to himself, driving such a cool sports car, if she hadn't been concerned about you, she would have already driven fast.

(End of this chapter)

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