Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 950 Extra: June Planet 6

Chapter 950 Extra: June Planet 10
The speed is relatively fast, and it takes a little more than an hour to reach the urban area.

"Where do you want to go?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"I was just going to ask you, what do you like to play?" Shui You has never been anywhere, so he doesn't know what's fun.

"I don't care, I just want to come out for a walk, your villa is too dull." Yi Shuihan said.

"Then we will come out to play more, why don't we go shopping in the mall." Shui You remembered that girls seem to like shopping more.

"Okay." Yi Shuihan didn't care.

After parking the car, the two went to the shopping mall together. There were many people coming and going, most of them were young people who came to shop.

"Walking with you, the rate of turning heads is very high." Yi Shuihan said suddenly.

"Eh? It's your reason." Shui You was a little unhappy, those people were all looking at her.

"Really? I see those girls and salesmen are looking at you."

"No." Shui You said angrily.

"Okay, I was wrong, do you have anything to buy?" Yi Shuihan didn't care about him.

"No, do you have anything to buy?" Shui You always asked people to buy what Shui You needed, because he couldn't go out.

"I didn't. Since you have nothing to buy, why did you come to the mall." Yi Shuihan was speechless.

"I thought you liked shopping," Shui Yu said.

"Thought, that's what you thought." Yi Shuihan gritted his teeth.

"Uh? Then what do you like?" Shuiyou was depressed. He had known her for ten days. They were almost together except for sleeping, but he still didn't know what she liked. She seemed to like everything, it didn't matter. kind of.

"Young master, just do what you want, don't ask me what I like or what I want to do." Yi Shuihan was annoyed by hearing this.

"I don't know, I don't have anything to do, I'm going out with you today." It doesn't matter what you do, if he can't play with her, he can just watch her play.

"Forget it, are you hungry?" Yi Shuihan asked, it was already lunch time, he must be hungry.

"A little bit, what do you want to eat?" In fact, he is not hungry, he is worried that she is hungry.

Another round of nonsense started, and after a lot of pushing and shoving, I finally decided to eat at a Chinese restaurant.

After dinner, after some nonsense, he finally said to go to the amusement park.

"You probably can only ride on the merry-go-round." Yi Shuihan looked at the merry-go-round full of children.

"...Then would you like to sit with me?" Shui You said with some expectation.

"I don't want to." Yi Shuihan said without hesitation, how could she sit on this kind of thing that children sit on.

"Forget it then. I'll buy a ticket for what game you want to play." Shui You said with a little disappointment, maybe it would be good to just watch her play.

"Two merry-go-round horses." Yi Shuihan didn't know what happened, but was impulsive. Seeing his sickly appearance, rejecting him would make her feel guilty.

"Huh?" Shui You looked at her in disbelief, even suspecting that she had heard wrong.

"You sit here for a while, I'll buy a ticket." Yi Shuihan sighed, and then left.

Shui You was stunned, then smiled, a little silly, sat down and obediently waited for her to come back.

After a while, under the surprised eyes of passers-by, the two got on the carousel.

Shuiyou smiled very happily, and she wished she could find a hole in the ground to get in, as she, an elderly child, would definitely be despised.

The wooden horse stopped, but he was still not finished, and she was walking away quickly.

"What game do you want to play?" Shui You asked after catching up.

"Young master, you suggested to come to the amusement park. What exactly do you want to play?"

"I thought you liked it." Shui You said weakly, she is so lively and active, she should like to come to the amusement park.

Yi Shuihan was speechless.

After wandering around in the amusement park for half an hour, the weather was a bit hot, Yi Shuihan saw that he seemed to be in a bad mood, and he was really weak.

"Get in the car." Yi Shuihan opened the car door and let him in.

"Going back? It's still early." It's rare to come out, he doesn't want to go back so early, and more importantly, she probably doesn't want to go back.

"I'm tired, take a rest." Yi Shuihan took a bottle of water and took two sips.

"Oh." Shui You had no choice but to sit in the car obediently.

After a while of silence, Shui You glanced at her secretly: "Where are you going after the rest?"


"Library? Why?" Shui You was stunned, she was so restless, she must not be able to sit still.

"The environment there is good, suitable for rest and sleep."

"..." Shuiyou was speechless, she wanted to rest and sleep, she might as well go back.

"You don't want to?" Yi Shuihan glanced at him, but she knew he didn't want to.

"No." Shuiyou said.

Yi Shuihan started the car and drove away.

After more than an hour, Shuiyou felt strange that he hadn't arrived at the library. It is impossible for him to go half a circle around the city in an hour without a library.

When I left the urban area, I didn’t see high-rise buildings, and I didn’t know where I went.

"Aren't you going to the library?" Shui You asked, she lost her way, or did she do it on purpose?

"You really want to go to the library?" Yi Shuihan asked back.

"..." Shui You was at a loss for words, in fact, it didn't matter where she went, if she was happy, he would be happy.

Finally, the car stopped at the beach.

"Get out of the car." Yi Shuihan got out of the car and said,

"Oh." Shuiyou was surprised, she came to see the sea.

The two sat down to rest under the tree, the sky was blue and the sea was blue, the tumbling waves beat against the reef, and the sea breeze was blowing.

"Do you like watching the sea?" Shui You asked.

"I thought you liked it." Yi Shuihan borrowed his dialogue from this morning, and used the tone he used to say it.

"Eh? Yes, I like it very much." Shui You smiled, watching the sea with her, he liked it very much.

After watching the sea for an afternoon, until dusk, continue to watch the sunset.

The setting sun is blooming on the sea level, the sky is dyed red, and the sky is full of splendor, jumping on the sea surface, fleeting, and dying, just like giving up all life, for the brilliance of that moment, this life is enough carry on.

"The sunset is very short, and all its brilliance blooms at the moment of jumping." Shui You suddenly smiled, even if it is over, there will be no regrets.

"It's getting dark, let's go." Yi Shuihan said.

Shui You got up and walked to her, and asked, "Can you tell me your name?"

"That's all you want to know?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows.

"Of course." Shui You looked at her expectantly, he really wanted to know.

Yi Shuihan was silent for a while, then picked up a branch and wrote a word on the sand.

"Han?" Shui You was pleasantly surprised, although it was only one word, it was enough.

"En." Yi Shuihan nodded.

"My name is Shuiyou, you can call me by my name from now on, okay?" Shuiyou also picked up the branch, wrote two words beside it, and then drew a circle to circle the two names together.

"Okay." Yi Shuihan didn't care, and she didn't like being called Young Master.

The sky was getting dark, and a few twinkling stars decorated the night sky, which was extraordinarily beautiful.


When the two returned to the villa, Housekeeper He, Aunt He, and servants were all waiting at the door.

"Young Master, why did you come back so late? Madam is here, please go to the front hall." Aunt He was a little anxious, with a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

"What madam?" Shui You frowned, when did he have a wife?
"...is your mother, young master." Aunt He said in a deep voice.

"No, let her go." Shui You's expression changed.

"Master, Madam has been waiting for a long time, please go to the front hall." Aunt He's voice was a bit tough.

"When is it your turn to order me?" Shui You said coldly.

Aunt He was at a loss for words, and her face became a little ugly. The young master's mother and father are both prominent figures, but they both have their own families, so he is both the mother's illegitimate son and the father's illegitimate son. He is an adopted son, so it should be said that his birth was a mistake, so God took it back.

Shuiyou passed everyone and left.

Yi Shuihan followed him.

I don't know if it was because he walked too fast, or because he was angry, his breathing was a little hasty, and his face was not very good.

"Shuiyou, take a rest." Yi Shuihan sat down on the lawn.

Shui You froze for a moment, she was calling his name, hesitated for a while, then sat beside her, very close to her, almost leaning on her body, I don't know if it was because she was tired or something.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Shuihan looked at him, he is not going to fall down, is he?
"It's nothing." Shui You's eyes flickered, and he immediately moved away a short distance. He wanted to smell her body, but she didn't have any smell, not even the smell of body wash. An intoxicating breath, no, it is sinking, unable to extricate itself.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing his strange expression, Yi Shuihan glanced at him again.

"It's really nothing." Shui You shook his head, and suddenly remembered what the two maids said in the study.

Shui You hesitated for a long time, and then said: "You, have you smelled anything from me?"

"Yes." Yi Shuihan said.

"What's the smell?" Shui You jumped for joy, looking forward to it.

"Potion smell." Yi Shuihan said truthfully.

It was like pouring a pot of cold water, extinguishing his expectations and cooling him down.

"Do you hate the smell of potion?" Shui You asked in a low voice.

"So-so." She gets hurt sometimes.

"How annoying is it usually?" Shui You asked tirelessly.

"Not too annoying, are you hungry?" Yi Shuihan asked suddenly.

"Not hungry, are you hungry?" Shui You looked at her suspiciously.

"Not hungry, I think if you are hungry, I will give you a food." She said.

"What food?" Shui You looked, where is the food?

"The food you hate." Yi Shuihan grabbed a grasshopper and handed it to him, just like handing him a piece of bread.

"Disgusting." Shui You slapped the grasshopper away, and she actually played tricks on him, but his mood suddenly brightened.

At night, it is very cool on the mountainside, and the night wind blows.

"Han, where are you from?" he asked.

"Earth next door to Mars."

"Han, who is in your family?"


"Eh? Han, what's your full name?" He was content, but he still wanted more, and he was also very greedy.

"can not tell you."

"Han, what do you like?"

"I don't like anything."

"Han, what do you care about most?"

"I don't care about anything."

"Han, what dream do you have?"

"No dreams."

"Han, where will you go in the future?"


The sky is full of stars, as if within reach.

(End of this chapter)

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