Chapter 1002 Will be spoiled
The edge has already given her some good things, so if she goes to the deepest part, what treasures will be waiting for her?

Thinking about it, Zimeng became excited involuntarily, but Yin Chenxi's expression was not very happy, but a little worried.

It takes a long time to go to the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Poison Forest, will you be able to come back in time to heal Gu Fanjing?
"What's the matter? Let's go quickly?" Zimeng looked at Yin Chenxi excitedly, and Yin Chenxi turned to look at Gu Fanjing.

"Don't you have a teleportation stone? We'll just come back when the time comes. Why are you so worried?" Zi Meng rolled her eyes helplessly, Yin Chenxi blinked, and Amylamine scratched her head.

It seems that this is indeed the case, she is thinking too much!What a shame!

Yin Chenxi felt that she had no face to stay here anymore, so she walked forward quickly, Zi Meng pulled Di Yuanmo and hurriedly followed, Lucky and Mu Xi who were playing also stopped their playful movements, and chased after her. past.

"Yuan, I think she's shy, what do you think?" Zi Meng followed Yin Chenxi and quietly spoke to Di Yuanmo.

"You say yes!" Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng.

"Oh, Yuan, you can't do this!" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, and Di Yuanmo blinked in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand what Zi Meng said!

"If you continue like this, I will be spoiled by you, okay?" Although Zimeng said so, she smiled happily.

"It doesn't matter if you are spoiled, I will always spoil you like this." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand to hold Zimeng's shoulder, with a gentle smile on his face.

His smile, however, has attracted the attention of many women.

However, Zi Meng didn't care, because no matter what, in Di Yuanmo's heart, she was the only one, and that was enough.

As for whether other people looked at Di Yuanmo or not, Zi Meng didn't mind at all.

"Let's go?" Yin Chenxi stopped, turned her head, and looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, who also stopped.

When Yin Chenxi took out a milky white one, he crushed it lightly. Looking at the opened portal, Yin Chenxi walked in first.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other, held hands, and walked in. When they reappeared, they were already in the Ten Thousand Poison Forest.

To death, Zi Meng is not familiar with the surrounding environment, which means that this is a place they have never been to.

"By the way, where are we now?" Zimeng looked at Yin Chenxi in confusion, Yin Chenxi looked around and was sure that this was the Ten Thousand Poison Forest.

But, it seems that she has never been to this place either!

"It's true that this is the Ten Thousand Poison Forest, but I have never been to this location, and I don't know what is there."

Yin Chenxi scratched her hair, and looked at Zimeng and the others in embarrassment. The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly. What's going on?

There is actually a place that Yin Chenxi has never been to. It seems that this Ten Thousand Poison Forest is really not that big!

"Wow, so many plants! All kinds of plants!" Zi Meng looked at the surrounding plants with bright eyes.

"But, master, do you really want these plants? These are all poisonous! Moreover, the poison is very strong, if you are not careful, you will lose your life."

After looking at the plants around, Mu Xi turned to look at Zimeng again. Although the plants here are good, they are too poisonous. If Zimeng can't control them well, he might die.

(End of this chapter)

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