Chapter 1003 I'm Innocent

"I know, with you here, I'm not afraid of these poisons." Zi Meng reached out and rubbed Mu Xi's head, and Mu Xi nodded happily.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely protect you. Just leave these poisons to me." Mu Xi patted her small chest and looked at Zi Meng seriously.

Yin Chenxi looked at Zi Meng and Mu Xi. Although contracted beasts were rare, it was really rare to see such sensible ones.

Moreover, she really wanted to know, what exactly did Zimeng want these things for?
"By the way, what do you want these for?" Yin Chenxi looked at Di Yuanmo who had already started collecting seeds, and asked in confusion.

In fact, even if you want plants, you have to be mature, okay?Why are they collecting seeds?

"I'll use it in the future, these are all good things! So, I really like this forest!"

Zimeng hugged Yin Chenxi excitedly, Yin Chenxi rolled her eyes helplessly, so excited?
However, seeing that Di Yuanmo and the others were already busy, she couldn't stand still, and after pushing Zimeng away from her arms, she also started to help.

"These masters don't want them. What the master wants are plants that can attack others, you know?" Mu Xi looked at the seeds Yin Chenxi had collected, covered his mouth and laughed.

Yin Chenxi looked at the seeds in his hand, then at the seeds Mu Xi and the others picked, and shrugged.

Is there any difference?

Aren't they all the seeds of plants?The seeds they picked seem to be the same, right?
"Mu Xi, have you seen the master?" Lucky ran to Mu Xi's side and jumped on Mu Xi's shoulder.

Mu Xi looked around, and Zimeng was indeed missing, only Di Yuanmo was helping Zimeng collect seeds very seriously.


"No way!"

Mu Xi and Lucky spoke almost at the same time, both of them felt bad!
At this time, Zimeng will definitely cause trouble.

Before the two of them could express their thoughts, the ground shook for a while, and the faces of the two little guys showed such expressions.

Di Yuanmo hurriedly got up and looked towards the place where the shaking came from. The first thing that appeared in front of Di Yuanmo was Zi Meng who was galloping towards him.

"Yuan, help!" Zi Meng rushed into Di Yuanmo's arms, raised her head pitifully, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, then raised his head to look in the direction Zimeng came back from.

A big tree wobbled over, and every step it took would cause the ground to shake. Looking at Zimeng's appearance, needless to say, this is another trouble she caused!
"What's going on?" Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at Zimeng.

"Well, I just thought that this tree is very tall and mighty, and then I wanted to have a look. As a result, just after I jumped on it, it started to get angry?"

Zimeng nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms, and opened her mouth pitifully, Di Yuanmo raised her eyebrows, it's definitely not that simple, right?
"Really, Yuan, you have to believe me. This time, I was really wronged. It was because it was too angry, and it has nothing to do with me."

Zi Meng continued to look at Di Yuanmo pitifully, but no matter what the reason was, it was impossible for Di Yuanmo to let this matter go.

"You rest here, I'll meet it." Di Yuanmo gently squeezed Zimeng's nose, and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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