Chapter 1013 Fire Ablation Bone Flower (2)

Although she had already sat down, she still looked in the direction of the bone erosion with anxiety, looking forward to the return of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

"You don't have to be so nervous. You will know when you get to know the master completely. Master, you are definitely not the kind of person who will let yourself die casually. Moreover, there are many people waiting for the master to go back. She will definitely not let her something happened."

Mu Xi watched Yin Chenxi keep looking around, and couldn't help explaining with a smile, Yin Chenxi looked down at Mu Xi.

"Yes, yes, according to the master's words, she is very sorry for her life!" Lucky said in a daze, and Mu Xi said.

"You have a really good relationship with her, and you all seem to trust her." Yin Chenxi spoke slowly, her voice full of envy for Zimeng.

"Of course, she is my master. I don't believe who she trusts? Moreover, since I followed the master, the master has never let people bully me, and has always protected me. If I am bullied, the master will very angry."

Mu Xixiao's eyes turned into crescent moons, Yin Chenxi saw his happy look, and laughed too.

Maybe because he had nothing to do, Mu Xi started to tell Yin Chenxi what happened when he followed Zi Meng.

When hearing that Zimeng was heartbroken because of the death of her master and friends, Yin Chenxi felt that she was also sad, and when she heard that Zimeng was happy because she punished others, she also laughed.

"Hee hee." Lucky, who was drowsy, suddenly laughed. Yin Chenxi looked over and found that Lucky was lying on Mu Xi's head, tilting his head to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Yin Chenxi looked down at her body, there seemed to be nothing wrong, right?She always pays attention to her image when she goes out, right?
But, why is Lucky looking at her smiling happily?

It's as if she's stained with something she shouldn't have.

"You are also attracted by the master, right? I knew it!" Lucky stood up on Mu Xi's head, and proudly circled his chest with his little paws.

"Also?" Yin Chenxi spit out a word in confusion.

"Well, there seems to be some kind of charm about the master, attracting everyone close to her and becoming friends with her. Of course, some people who hate her will always want to kill her."

When Lucky was talking, he was a little decadent. Thinking about it, there seemed to be many people who wanted to kill Zimeng these years, but fortunately, Zimeng was strong enough, and those who wanted to kill her failed.

However, although you failed, Zimeng was injured several times.

"Are there many people who want to kill Zimeng?" Yin Chenxi continued to be puzzled. According to Zimeng's character, they said that Zimeng had many friends, but she believed it. But why did they say that Zimeng also had many enemies?
From Yin Chenxi's point of view, Zimeng dotes on her husband so much, even if there is an enemy, Di Yuanmo will help her solve it, right?

"Actually, it's okay? They are all jealous of the master, but now, many people know the strength of the master, and no one dared to really provoke her." Mu Xi thought for a while and shook his head .

Indeed, when it comes to talking about enemies, there were some in the past, but they have almost been dealt with. Now, there seem to be not many, right?
If you want to say the biggest enemy, it should be the one named Shi Yu.

But, now, they don't know where Shi Yu is, and it's not easy to find him!

(End of this chapter)

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