Chapter 1014 Fire Ablation Bone Flower (3)

"However, I think Zimeng and her husband are so powerful, there should not be many people who are their opponents?" Yin Chenxi spoke softly, whether it was Muxi or Lucky, they could hear envy from her tone.

The two of them looked at Yin Chenxi, who could see what the gods were thinking, and looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, said nothing, and dozed off, waiting for Zimeng and the others to come back.

Yin Chenxi looked at the flower bone flower, if Zimeng and the others came back, she should be able to become friends with Zimeng, right?

In fact, she herself admitted that there seemed to be a power in Zimeng that could attract the attention of others. In just a few days, she seemed to want to become friends with Zimeng.

This kind of feeling is rare. Yin Chenxi doesn't have many friends, and it's not that Yin Chenxi has high airs. Moreover, Yin Chenxi doesn't want to be with those self-righteous people.

Zimeng is a rare person with a cheerful personality who doesn't care much about friends, which suits Yin Chenxi's appetite very well.

Besides, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, they searched for a long time in Gu Hua's belly, but they couldn't find the weakness of Gu Hua.

They attacked the bone erosion flower in its stomach, but the bone erosion flower didn't seem to respond at all, it was neither painful nor itchy, and remained motionless, and the scars they caused would heal soon.

"Yuan, I think we seem to have forgotten a very important thing. Although this bone erosion flower is so huge, it is still a plant anyway, right?" Zi Meng didn't look at Di Yuanmo, just Opening his mouth slowly, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and suddenly laughed.

Yes, they have been thinking about how to get rid of the bone erosion flower, but they have forgotten that the bone erosion flower is also a plant!
Since it is a plant, what is it most afraid of?
Of course it's fire!
Zi Meng thought that there was no fire magic, so she happily summoned the Suzaku from the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars.

"Wow, what kind of smell is this? Isn't it too stinky? Zimeng, where are you guys?" As soon as Suzaku came out, he covered his nose and floated in mid-air without shame.

"We are now in the belly of the bone erosion flower. What are you doing? Why do you look disgusted? Do you hate us? Or the smell here?"

Zimeng looked angrily at Suzaku who would never touch anything here, does this guy have a cleanliness?
Moreover, even if there is a cleanliness, it is useless here, right?No matter how you look at it, this place is a place where clean freaks cannot survive.

"No way? What are you two playing with? What's in the belly of this??" Suzaku heard that it was in the belly of the bone erosion, and couldn't care less about covering his nose or getting clean. , rushed directly in front of Zimeng.

His rush really scared Zimeng.

And what the hell is that belly?This is the belly of the bone erosion flower?
Zimeng was a little skeptical, it wasn't that Suzaku didn't remember the name of Huaguhua, but that he didn't listen to what they said at all.

"What's going on here?" Suzaku looked straight at Zimeng.

"We came out to play, but, for some reason, we were swallowed." Zi Meng didn't say that they came in on purpose, because now, they need Suzaku's anger!
"What?" Suzaku's eyes widened immediately, and Zimeng could feel the heat emanating from Suzaku's body.

(End of this chapter)

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