Chapter 1023 Too Narcissistic

"I remember, the bone erosion flower should be..." Before Yin Chenxi could speak, Zimeng stopped her mouth. She blinked innocently and looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng looked at her, smiled at her, she nodded to Zimeng silently, she understood what Zimeng meant, and after that, she would never talk about bone erosion again, so Zimeng let go with satisfaction her.

"Oh, it's getting late, we have to go back, otherwise, the time to treat your brother will be delayed, and, you have inhaled too much dust, and you need to rest."

Zi Meng stretched her waist, and nestled lazily into Di Yuanmo's arms. After Yin Chenxi coughed a few times, she took out a teleportation stone and crushed it.

Seeing the reappearing portal, Zimeng couldn't help but sigh, it's really convenient to have a teleportation stone!
It's a pity that she doesn't know how to forge, otherwise, she will prepare more, and then sell them, which will definitely make a lot of money.

Actually, think about it, after Zimeng came to this world, it seems that she rarely used money, no, it should be said to be spar.

Every time she needs something, someone will prepare it for her. When the spar is most lacking, it is when the Liuli Sect is rebuilding. At that time, she refined some pills for Ling Siyun to auction. of this matter.

After that, Di Yuanmo prepared all the things she needed, and she didn't need to worry about them at all.

"Let's go." Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand, Zi Meng nodded, sent Mu Xi and Lucky back, and followed Yin Chenxi into the portal.

The other end of the teleportation is in Gu Fanjing's yard. Gu Fanjing, who was reading a book bored in the yard, felt the fluctuation of space magic, put down the book in his hand, and looked up.

"You guys came back so soon?" Gu Fanjing couldn't help but smile when he saw Zimeng and the others coming back.

"I was afraid that you would die, so we rushed back as soon as possible." Zimeng looked at Gu Fanjing indifferently, Gu Fanjing raised his eyebrows, why did he feel so upset when he heard this!

When Yin Chenxi heard Zi Meng's words, she raised her eyebrows involuntarily. Isn't this too straightforward?

She was a little afraid that Gu Fanjing would not be killed by the poison in his body, but would be pissed off by Zimeng's words.

"I'm so handsome, and there are thousands of girls waiting for me to comfort, how could I die so soon?" Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng happily with a smile on his face.

There are thousands of girls waiting for him to appease?

This guy is a little too narcissistic, right?He is so thick-skinned that he can be used as a city wall.

"Chenxi, what's wrong with you? You don't look very good, are you injured?" Gu Fanjing ignored Zimeng's contempt, turned to look at Yin Chenxi, Yin Chenxi shook her head lightly, and sat down opposite Gu Fanjing.

"Brother, I... I met Ji Rong today." Yin Chenxi hesitated for a moment, but still opened his mouth to tell the story.

Gu Fanjing, who was still smiling at first, disappeared when he heard the name Ji Rong. He frowned and looked at Yin Chenxi. Yin Chenxi nodded slightly, confirming to Gu Fanjing.

"Did she attack you?" Gu Fanjing looked at Yin Chenxi and said lightly.

"No, she was going to kill me, but she was stopped by Zimeng and the others." Yin Chenxi lowered her head and murmured.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo didn't speak a word, they looked at them quietly, and always felt that there seemed to be something between them and Ji Rong!
(End of this chapter)

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