Chapter 1024 She's Innocent

However, these things have nothing to do with them, and they don't bother to ask or care about them. As long as they don't get involved in any troublesome things because of their affairs, they won't care so much.

"You helped Chenxi, I'm afraid, after that, they will treat you as enemies too." Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo worriedly. Zimeng was innocent. Why did these people treat her Be an enemy?

She was just very upset about a nice person attacking an unconscious person, that's why she stopped her. Why did she treat her as an enemy?

She's innocent, okay?
"May I ask, what kind of grievances do you have with that person named Ji Rong? I just saved Yin Chenxi, why did I become enmity with her?" Zimeng looked at Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing pitifully.

"This matter, speaking of it, is a bit complicated. I will explain it to you slowly later, Chen Xi, you go to rest first, and don't go out for a while, so as not to be encountered by them."

Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng with some embarrassment, and then explained to Yin Chenxi, Yin Chenxi nodded obediently, but did not leave.

Zimeng shrugged indifferently. Anyway, she was just interested, and she didn't have to know.

Moreover, if those people dare to make trouble, she will not show mercy.

"Go and rest for a while?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, and Zi Meng nodded. Although she was not very tired, but now, she still needs to rest for a while. After that, she will give Gu Fanjing the first For the second detoxification, you must maintain your physical strength.

After Zimeng and Di Yuanmo left, Yin Chenxi looked up at Gu Fanjing. The smiles that had always existed on Gu Fanjing's face had disappeared, leaving behind a full of solemnity.


"I'm fine, Chenxi, go back and rest first." Gu Fanjing raised his head and smiled at Yin Chenxi, who looked at him worriedly.

His smile is really too forced.

"I'm really fine, you go, I'll just stay here for a while, don't worry, nothing will happen." Gu Fanjing showed a reassuring look to Yin Chenxi, Yin Chenxi nodded, turned and left.

However, after leaving and leaving, he still looked back at Gu Fanjing every step of the way.

Gu Fanjing sat there, staring at the ground, motionless and in a daze.

As for what he is thinking now, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

"Have something on your mind?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng who was sitting on the bed without saying a word, and said softly.

"No, I was just thinking, what is the relationship between Gu Fanjing and Ji Rong? Why did his face change when Ji Rong was mentioned? Don't you wonder?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously, and Di Yuanmo smiled helplessly. Is she serious about gossip?Moreover, the serious Di Yuanmo didn't want to hit her.

"Although this matter has nothing to do with me, I'm really curious. Maybe it's the nature of women's gossip. Are you right?" Zi Meng continued to speak with a bit of depression.

Then, she looked at Di Yuanmo seriously and said that she didn't really want to gossip about Gu Fanjing and the others, these were all driven by curiosity.

"I'm not interested in what's going on between them, what kind of development is there, as long as you are in front of me all the time." Di Yuanmo gently hugged Zimeng's waist, more serious than Zimeng talking.

(End of this chapter)

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