Chapter 1042 Same mood
They will stay here for a short time. If people who shouldn't know know about today's events, I'm afraid there will be trouble.

"..." Zi Meng didn't say anything, but Meng Wenxiang's heart suddenly rose, and he always felt that something would happen.

"Thank you, Head Meng, for telling me about this. If there is nothing else, we will go back first."

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo bid farewell to Meng Wenxiang and walked to their bamboo house.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's thoughtful expression, completely ignoring the stagnant water on the ground, and pulled Zimeng into his arms.

"Yuan?" Zi Meng reacted and looked up at Di Yuanmo.

"What are you thinking? You're so absent-minded." Di Yuanmo protected Zimeng and continued walking.

"Actually, it's nothing. I'm just thinking, if, after that, I do something bad, will it embarrass you."

Zi Meng lowered her head helplessly, and opened her mouth lightly. Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng's face and couldn't help laughing.

It's already this time, he really doesn't know why Zimeng thinks so.

"Zi'er, as I said, no matter what you do, I will be by your side, and what you did is not a bad thing, is it?"

Di Yuanmo settled down, held Zimeng's face in both hands, and looked into Zimeng's eyes very seriously, Zimeng raised the corners of her mouth.

"I know, but even so, I'm still worried, if I do something too much, will you dislike me or something like that."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, and Di Yuanmo lowered his head directly, and kissed her hard on the lips.

Zi Meng wouldn't do this kind of thing, even if it had to be done, Di Yuanmo wouldn't let Zi Meng do it, as long as he did it.

"Let's go." However, Di Yuanmo didn't say these words to Zi Meng, if he did, Zi Meng would definitely not agree.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo moved forward again, but they didn't know that after they left, Chu Yun appeared at the place where they had just been. His eyes were full of jealousy towards Zi Meng and nostalgia for Di Yuanmo.

No matter what, no matter what price she pays, she must get Di Yuanmo.

No matter who blocks it, she will never give up!
At this time, Chu Yun didn't know that the person who felt the same as her would be Ji Rong who was like her biological sister outside.

Di Yuanmo's cold and handsome expression, his tenderness when facing Zi Meng, and his graceful demeanor no matter what he did, appeared in their minds all the time.

———The hot little genius doctor——

With the help of Zimeng, Gu Fanjing's body recovered completely in a short time.

Meng Wenxiang also kept his promise, and took Zimeng and Di Yuanmo to the current location of the Gu family.

Seeing the desolate surroundings and the humble houses where the Gu family lived, Zi Meng felt as if a knife had cut her. She let go of Di Yuanmo's hand, which she had been holding, and walked slowly over.

In the dilapidated but clean yard, two children of the same size and appearance were playing. When they saw Zimeng and the others, they stopped playing and looked up at them.

One of the children timidly hid behind the other.

"Who are you looking for?" Although the child in front was afraid, he still asked Zimeng in a low voice.

"Are your adults there? I have something I want to talk to them about." Seeing their shyness, she couldn't help softening her voice and smiling gently at them.

(End of this chapter)

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