Chapter 1043
"There are only father, mother and aunt at home. Father and mother have gone out to work, but aunt is not in good health and cannot go out."

Perhaps influenced by Zimeng's smile, the children became more courageous.

While speaking, he couldn't help turning his head and looked at the dilapidated house behind him.

Poor health?

Can't go out?

"Well, I'm a pharmacist. Maybe I can help you treat your aunt. Can you let me go in and see her?" Zimeng smiled faintly, looking at the two children. The children looked at Zimeng, Di Yuanmo and the others. , all showed a hesitant look.

Although, they also wanted to, but their parents said when they went out that no one should let people into the house casually.


"Well, we'll just wait for them here, and I'll trouble Master Meng and us to wait here for a while." Zimeng smiled helplessly and looked at Meng Wenxiang.

Meng Wenxiang was also helpless and could only nod his head. In fact, he also wanted to know what the relationship between Zimeng and the Gu family was.

They were neither talking nor going in. After watching them for a while, the two children also started to ignore them and continue playing with their own.

Looking at the two children playing in patched clothes, and looking at the dilapidated yard, Zi Meng frowned.

No matter what the price is, she will help the Gu family regain the position of the four major families.

Seeing Zimeng's expression, Di Yuanmo couldn't help walking over, gently hugging Zimeng's waist, looking at her, Zimeng raised her head, and smiled at Di Yuanmo.

"Who are you looking for?" Zimeng and the others waited not long before someone came, a man and a woman, with work tools in their hands, looking at them suspiciously.

"Meng head?" The man became even more puzzled when he saw Meng Wenxiang. He knew about Meng Wenxiang, but he never expected that Meng Wenxiang would come to their house.

"Long time no see. The last time we met, you were still a five or six-year-old child." Meng Wenxiang looked at him with a smile, and he nodded bitterly.

"By the way, these two are related to your grandfather, so I brought them to you." Meng Wenxiang said, thinking about Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

When the man heard this, he raised his head in surprise. After what happened that year, many people did not cut off contact with their family.

Only a few people who had the best relationship with his grandfather would help them, but they all rejected them. They didn't want those who still cared about them to be hated by those wicked people.

"My grandfather has long since disappeared. I wonder what the two of you are looking for him for?" He looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, his voice full of grief.

In fact, he also really wanted to hear about their grandpa from other people's mouths.

However, it never came true.

"Sect Master Meng, thank you very much for bringing us here. I think you'd better cut off all contact with the Chu family and the Ji family as soon as possible, so as not to accidentally hurt the Jixuan sect later."

Zi Meng didn't answer his words, but turned to look at Meng Wenxiang. Meng Wenxiang was startled, looked at Zi Meng, opened his mouth, and wanted to ask something, but Zi Meng suddenly laughed.

"Actually, even if there is no matter about the Gu family, I don't plan to let Chu Yun and Ji Rong go, their behavior these days has completely angered me.

However, I didn't intend to deal with them all before. Now, it seems that I am still too kind, so I am going to kill the grass and roots. "

Zi Meng's words were very light, but they really shocked Meng Wenxiang and the descendants of the Gu family.

(End of this chapter)

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