Chapter 1055 Don't hide from me

"Hey!" Zimeng looked at the dagger and rough stone in his hand in puzzlement.

What the hell is this?
Why did she imitate the old man's movements and appearance, but only left a mark on the original stone, but the original stone was not cut.

"Yuan..." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, and Di Yuanmo sighed helplessly, then gently raised the dagger in his hand, and gently slashed across the rough stone.

Then, the rough stone was cut open, and Zi Meng opened her mouth wide in surprise.

How can this be so?
She just left a mark on the rough stone, why can Di Yuanmo cut it?
Zi Meng immediately looked at Di Yuanmo aggrieved, Di Yuanmo smiled and looked at Zi Meng.

"Stop laughing, and don't look at me like that, tell me how you did it." Zi Meng threw herself into Di Yuanmo's arms, acting coquettishly, and almost fell asleep.

"Okay, okay, let me teach you, attach your aura to Bishou, remember, it must not be too thick." Di Yuanmo explained to Zimeng with a smile. out.

According to Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng attached a layer of spiritual power to her dagger, and then she went to cut the stone again. This time, it had an effect, but it was not completely cut.

"Wow, that's great, it's a success, it's a success." Looking at the marks cut by her own dagger on the rough stone, Zi Meng laughed happily.

"Well, although it's just a little bit, it's still a big improvement, let's continue!"

Di Yuanmo kissed Zi Meng's lips lightly, then lowered his head and continued cutting the rough stone.

Zimeng took a deep breath and continued to practice. She was still practicing. Yuanmo had already cut a lot of rough stones.

Involuntarily, he looked at Zimeng with some surprise, there were things in these rough stones, more or less.

How is this possible?
Even if it is him, it is impossible for every one of the rough stones selected by Zi Meng to have something.

"Zi'er, can you tell Wei Fu, how did you choose the rough stone? Don't say it's based on feeling, Wei Fu doesn't believe it."

Di Yuanmo suddenly approached Zimeng and pulled Zimeng into his arms. His sudden movement startled Zimeng, and the dagger in his hand fell down involuntarily.

"Yuan, what are you doing all of a sudden?" Zi Meng looked helplessly at Di Yuanmo, who lowered his head and lightly pecked Zi Meng's face.

"Tell me! No matter what it is, you can't hide it from me, you know?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with some resentment, and Zi Meng sighed helplessly.

"Actually, I don't know why. When I was looking for rough stones, I looked at those rough stones, and I seemed to feel something. Then, I saw that there seemed to be many colors in those rough stones, so I put all the All the colored rough stones were picked up.”

In Di Yuanmo's arms, Zi Meng explained to Di Yuanmo very seriously. Di Yuanmo lowered his head, looked at Zi Meng's serious gaze, and sighed helplessly.

"Zi'er, tell me, how many things do you have that I don't know? Can you tell me all at once? Every time you surprise me like this, I can't stand it."

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, and gently rubbed Zi Meng's forehead with his own, Zi Meng laughed.

In fact, she herself doesn't know what else she doesn't know, she seems to often have new discoveries, and she herself is very pleasantly surprised, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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