Chapter 1056 You Are My Treasure

It's as if she came to this world suddenly. Although she knew that luck brought her here, she was still surprised, wasn't she?
After that, various things happened again, and Zimeng also saw all kinds of things. Her heart had already adapted, and she was not surprised by these things.

"Zi'er, you are my treasure in this life." Di Yuanmo lowered his head, said love words without blushing, and looked at Zi Meng affectionately, Zi Meng stretched out his hand, and gently covered God Yuan Mo's face.

"You are my treasure!" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, her words made Di Yuanmo's heart thumping non-stop, if it wasn't for the urgent time, he would have thrown Zi Meng down on the spot .

However, here is the wild, not suitable for doing so, and Zimeng also has important things to do.

However, although he didn't throw Zimeng down, Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed Zimeng's lips.

It wasn't until he was satisfied that he gently kissed Zimeng's forehead, and let her go. Zimeng blushed and lowered her head, and continued to cut the rough stone. Di Yuanmo just looked at Zimeng, extremely satisfied.

Zimeng's expression, no matter if it was shy, happy, sad, or angry, as long as it was the expression on Zimeng's face, Di Yuanmo felt that he could never get tired of watching it.

I just thought, compared to being sad and angry, Di Yuanmo prefers to see Zimeng look happy and shy.

He didn't want to make Zimeng sad, and he didn't want to make Zimeng angry, he just had to bear it.

"Don't look at me like that, okay?" Zimeng paused for a while, then turned her head, looking helplessly at Di Yuanmo who had been staring at her with a smile on her face.

Looking at the smile on Di Yuanmo's face, Zi Meng was a little obsessed, but also a little worried. Recently, his smile seems to be increasing. Is it okay if this continues?

"It's okay, I think, even if I look at you like this every day, I'm satisfied." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a smile, Zi Meng's face suddenly became redder even more, and Di Yuanmo smiled happily.

Zimeng glanced at Di Yuanmo with some resentment, she doubted whether this was still her Di Yuanmo, why is she so glib now?

However, she seemed to like Di Yuanmo like this very much, but she didn't want Di Yuanmo to show such an expression in front of other people.

Now, she already has many rivals in love, if she saw his smile, wouldn't there be more rivals in love?
After Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng for a while, he continued to cut the rough stones. Although Zi Meng cut a few rough stones, she soon mastered the method of cutting rough stones. With her and Di Yuanmo together, the speed was quite fast. soon.

Among the rough stones selected by Zi Meng, there are almost all good things, and many of them are good things. Di Yuanmo can't believe that Zi Meng just picked the rough stones at random.

Maybe, as Zimeng said, she can see the color of the things contained in the rough stone.

"If these things are sold, can I buy a house?" Zi Meng asked Di Yuanmo looking at the spirit stones and other messy things that had been randomly thrown on the ground.

"It should be enough." Di Yuanmo replied after thinking about it, and Zimeng pouted.

Although the things should be almost ready, but they don't know where to go to get rid of these things?
They are not familiar with the place where they live, and they don't know where they can buy a good price. It is really tangled!

If they had known this earlier, they should have found someone to lead the way here, so that they would not be dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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