Chapter 1059 Too Much Nonsense
"You... who are you?" Ji Rong stepped back and looked at Zi Meng.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you!" Zi Meng's voice was extremely sharp, and at the same time as her words fell, a few vines suddenly grew beside Ji Rong.

Before Ji Rong could escape, she was tied up by Zimeng's vines. No matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

Zi Meng waved her hand violently, and Ji Rong's vines turned around and hit Ji Rong's body.

Although the blow wasn't particularly heavy, it still brought out a drop of blood.

"Ah! Bitch!" Ji Rong cried out in pain.

How could she have thought that her own vines would really hit her?Moreover, after being hit, it hurts so much!
"You can scold as much as you want, anyway, it won't hurt me in any sense." Zi Meng shrugged, and Ji Rong looked at her viciously.

Being scolded is not a big deal, she won't lose a piece of meat, and she won't die, so why should she care about it?

"Bold, who are you? How dare you bully my Miss Ji family?" A group of people hurried over.

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Trash, it came so slowly, why don't you hurry up and put me down and kill her!" Ji Rong's anger was out of control, and she immediately yelled at the members of the Ji family.

Zimeng rolled her eyes. At this time, there is so much nonsense, is it useful?

Seeing the scene in front of him, Di Yuanmo didn't want to continue hiding, so he walked to Zimeng's side.

"Yuan? Why are you here?" Zi Meng frowned when she saw Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't explain it.

He pulled Zimeng into his arms, looked around at the people who were staring at them, and then Di Yuanmo ignored them.

"I give you a warning. If you dare to attack Zi'er again next time, you will be destroyed." Di Yuanmo's appearance made Ji Rong excited and pleasantly surprised.

However, hearing what he said, Ji Rong's heart trembled suddenly.

She thought that Di Yuanmo had already abandoned this woman, Zi Meng, but in the end, it was just that they didn't get together.

"This is Cangyan Kingdom, who do you think you are? How dare you speak to our eldest lady like that? Besides, you dare to attack the eldest lady. I think you are tired of your life." The man said, waving his knife and looking towards The vines that bound Ji Rong.

As a result, a faint golden light flashed across the vine, and there was no reaction. He continued to chop in disbelief, but the result was still the same.

"What's going on?"

"I do not know!"

"The little girl stood there very well, it was Miss Ji who went to trouble her first."

"Fangzheng is not the first time, but this time, she encountered a difficult problem, and people don't care about her identity at all."

"What's the matter with the vines? Suddenly they didn't dare to attack, and besides, how could the girl's vines be so strong?"

There were chattering discussions all around, and Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo stood together, watching the members of the Ji family chopping vines continuously.

However, the vine was upgraded by Zi Meng, how could it be easily cut off?
If it was cut off easily, Zimeng wouldn't work hard to cultivate, okay?
Now, although the vines haven't completely turned golden, their toughness is no longer a problem.

Zimeng believes that as long as her spiritual power continues, few people can cut off her vines.

(End of this chapter)

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