Chapter 1060
"The result of the cultivation is not bad, the tenacity of the vines is very strong." Di Yuanmo put his arm around Zi Meng's shoulder, and said softly, Zi Meng nodded.

This is of course, if it is useless, what is the use of her cultivation?
"Although the result is not bad, what I want to see are golden vines." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo excitedly, and Di Yuanmo smiled helplessly.

How cool is it that the vine is golden from tip to tip, stem to leaf?Moreover, it must be worth a lot if it is sold!

Thinking about Zi Meng's whole person is excited.

"If it turns golden, then you won't be able to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger like you are now." Di Yuanmo looked at the group of people who were still chopping vines.

Seeing them struggling, Zimeng smiled, that was indeed the case, in fact, the color didn't matter, the important thing was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Isn't it easy to use money?One of her pills can be sold for a sky-high price, right?

Just as the Ji family was chopping Zimeng's vines, and the surrounding people were discussing, the vines summoned by Ji Rong withered in full view.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers fell silent, looking at the withered vines in shock.

The withered vines were still stained with Ji Rong's blood. Ji's servants were still cutting those vines, but it still had no effect.

Zimeng walked to the vine, squatted down, and carefully looked at the withered vine. It was not under her control, why did it suddenly wither?

After researching for a long time, there was no result. In the end, she had no choice but to give up.

"Trash, what the hell are you doing? You can't stop cutting down a vine, what's the use of you? Believe it or not, I asked my father to kill you!"

Zimeng was studying the withered vines, and Ji Rong was angry with her nonchalant appearance, and because Zimeng's vines kept being cut down, Ji Rong was already a little out of breath.

Although, she also knew that these people were trying to save her now, but she still couldn't control her emotions.

She wanted to struggle, but Zimeng's vines were getting tighter and tighter, making her afraid to move any more.

She is the majestic Miss of the Ji family, when did she endure being tied up like this and surrounded by so many people?She has never been, and has always been, the one who bullies others!How could anyone dare to bully her?
If she could, she would like to kill everyone on the scene now!Then, goug their eyes.

The fact is that she can't move at all now, and can only let these people watch. These people are just watching her current situation, and no one wants to save her at all!

What's more, apart from the members of the Ji family, no one should be willing to save her, right?
"Yuan, I haven't found a place to sell things yet, but since you're here, let's go find it together?" Zi Meng returned to Di Yuanmo's side and looked up at him.

"Okay, if you're not tired, let's go together." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng and smiled, completely doting on her!

His smile instantly attracted countless young girls and women around him, but Zi Meng didn't care, she knew that Di Yuanmo's smile belonged to her.

No matter how obsessed these people are, it's useless!It can only be sad for nothing, since they are willing to be hurt, why does Zimeng care so much about them?

"Then let's go?" Zi Meng took Di Yuanmo's hand, ready to leave here in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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