Chapter 108 What are you talking about?

It could hear a trace of anger from Zimeng's tone, but it was telling the truth, it was just worried that Zimeng would get hurt.

"Okay, okay, don't show such an expression, lucky, you have to remember, I am your master now, you don't need to worry about me, just trust me, you know?"

Seeing Lucky's look, Zimeng raised her head, and stroked its head lightly. Luckily raised her head, and looked at Zimeng in surprise.

how to say?After coming here, Zimeng seems to have never been so gentle with it, what's going on now?
Could it be that it did something wrong?No way?It didn't say anything except those words just now.

Why is its owner so gentle with it today?Terrible to say!
"Fortunately, in this world, besides Qinglong, you are the one I have the most contact with. You are my relative, so you just have to trust me, understand?"

Zimeng looked at Lucky seriously, and Lucky nodded obediently.

Its small eyes are a little red. Zimeng just said that they are relatives. Does this mean that Zimeng has acknowledged its existence?

"Master, Lucky is so touched!" Lucky was silently excited for a while, and threw herself directly on Zimeng's face, holding Zimeng's face tightly with her two little paws.

"Fortunately, although I said that we are relatives, the crumbs of the dessert on your paws have already stained my face. If you don't walk away, I will still throw you out."

Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly, isn't this little guy a little too excited?Forget it just had a snack?
"Master!!" Lucky withdrew his claws and looked at Zimeng pitifully, but Zimeng continued to walk forward with a smile.

Maybe it's because of getting Zimeng's approval, the lucky mood is very good, but no matter how good the mood is, it still doesn't dare to provoke Zimeng.

Along the way, Zimeng didn't forget to buy some favorite food for Lucky, which made Lucky happy.

Zimeng wandered around for a long time, but she couldn't find Dongyanglian. Out of boredom, she could only choose to go back to Beili's house.

However, when I got home and saw that scene, Zimeng really felt a little hot!

"Crazy old man, can you tell you, what are you doing now?" Zi Meng looked at Tang Jingcheng who was sitting on the table with the old god, and then at Bei Liyang and Gu Qingli who were kneeling on the ground.

"Little aunt, you're finally back. If you don't come back, we're going to die." Hearing Zi Meng's voice, Bei Liyang immediately felt that life-saving straw had come.

"Um, is that so exaggerated? You can't die after kneeling for a while!" Zi Meng leisurely walked to Tang Jingcheng's side and looked at them with a smile.

The corners of Bei Liyang's and Gu Qingli's mouths could not help but twitch.

"Yes, yes, you won't die if you kneel for a while, so, be good..." Before Tang Jingcheng finished speaking, Zi Meng had already lifted his foot and kicked him off the table.

"Crazy old man, this is Bei Li's house. I asked you to come to see Bei Liyang and Gu Qingli. What are you talking about here?"

Zimeng looked at Tang Jingcheng with dissatisfaction. Her eyes were full of danger and threats. Did Tang Jingcheng forget what she said before?

Tang Jingcheng blinked, he understood why Zimeng kicked him, he almost said that Zimeng was his apprentice just now.

But Zimeng said that the relationship between the two of them must not be known now.

(End of this chapter)

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