Chapter 109 Not For Her

"Well, you two get up, get up." Tang Jingcheng smiled and let Bei Liyang and Gu Qingli get up.

Gu Qingli and Bei Liyang looked at Tang Jingcheng very puzzled. Just now, no matter what they said, Tang Jingcheng wouldn't let them get up.

Why is Zimeng back, he is so easy to talk to?

There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem.

"Zimeng, are you interested in joining our Yuantian Sect? After you go, you can enjoy the best treatment, go?"

Tang Jingcheng ignored Gu Qingli and the others, and looked at Zimeng with a smile. Zimeng raised her eyebrows. Can she say that she is not interested in Yuan Tianzong at all?

"Will you go? There are many beautiful men and women in our Yuantian Sect." Tang Jingcheng pointed at Gu Qingli and Bei Liyang.

Gu Qingli and Bei Liyang couldn't help but tugged at the corners of their mouths. Is Tang Jingcheng using sex to get Zimeng to Yuantianzong?
"But, even if I don't go to Yuan Tianzong, I can still see them? Why do you still go to Yuan Tianzong to see them?"

Zimeng looked at Tang Jingcheng with disgust on her face. The method this guy used was too crude. She might have been fooled before, but now, it is impossible for her to be fooled.

Moreover, this kind of being fooled once is enough, so can you be fooled every day?

No, she seems to have been fooled twice, one time when she made a contract with Qinglong, and the other time when she followed Bei Liyang to Bei Li's house.

"You really don't think about it?" Tang Jingcheng blinked at Zimeng.

There is no way, his apprentice, if he doesn't follow Yuan Tianzong, where is he going?
Moreover, if others know about it, it would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?

"I'm planning to go to the Liuli faction. After listening to them talk about so many gangs, I think the Liuli faction is the most suitable place for me."

Zimeng looked at Tang Jingcheng with a smile, Tang Jingcheng was stunned, although what he said was true, but Zimeng was his precious apprentice, how could he go to the Liuli School?
"No, you absolutely cannot go to the Liuli Sect, you must go to the Yuantian Sect." Tang Jingcheng reacted for a while, then spoke directly, his tone extremely firm.

Zimeng blinked, stared at him without speaking, and Tang Jingcheng stared at Zimeng without giving in.

Both Gu Qingli and Bei Liyang looked at them in confusion, not knowing what was going on with them.

No matter how you look at it, both of them think that Tang Jingcheng and Zimeng are definitely not meeting for the first time, absolutely!
Moreover, why did Tang Jingcheng have to let Zimeng go to Yuan Tianzong?In their opinion, Yuan Tianzong is very good, but it seems that it is really not suitable for Zimeng.

Although there are also female disciples there, but which one of those female disciples was not sent by the big family to learn art?He is not a true Yuantian Sect disciple at all.

If Zi Meng goes, I'm afraid she will be bullied to death by those women, right?
No, it's not that Zi Meng was bullied to death by them, but that they are likely to be tortured to death by Zi Meng. At that time, Yuan Tianzong will be in big trouble!
"Uncle, why do you have to let my little aunt go to Yuan Tianzong? It doesn't seem to be suitable for her, does it?"

Under the signal of Gu Qingli's eyes, Bei Liyang opened his mouth cautiously, Tang Jingcheng glared at him, and looked at Zimeng resentfully.

He wants to tell the reason, and the reason is very simple, that is, Zi Meng is his precious apprentice.

However, Zimeng has already been able to make an agreement with him for three chapters, and he must not easily reveal the relationship between the two of them. What can he do?
(End of this chapter)

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