Chapter 1097 Don't Trust Them

Seeing the confident smile on Zimeng's face, Gu Shengfeng also suddenly felt that this matter is not difficult, and it will definitely succeed.

Why do you have such an idea?Gu Shengfeng couldn't figure it out himself, he had never trusted anyone like this before.

"Thank you!" Gu Shengfeng looked at Zimeng, and thanked Zimeng very carefully, but Zimeng just smiled lightly and did not speak.

Gu Shengfeng left the hall, Zi Meng sat there alone, staring at the empty gate, dazed in a daze.

And Gu Shenglan was already waiting for Gu Shengfeng on the road passing by.

"Lan'er, why don't you rest in the room, what are you doing out here?" When Gu Shengfeng saw her, he was a little surprised, but seeing her pale face, he hurried over and supported her.

"Brother, do you trust them that much? Do you know what they do?" Gu Shenglan looked at Gu Shengfeng in confusion.

She really couldn't understand why Gu Shengfeng believed in Zimeng so much, they had known each other for a few days, didn't they?

Since moving here, no matter what Gu Shengfeng does, he will tell Zimeng and the others that although their lives are much better, Zimeng also said that this is their home, but all the people here just want to Listen to Zimeng and the others.

And they don't have the slightest status here, and the servants at home will ignore them when they see them. In this way, what is the difference between them and the servants?
"I trust them, Lan'er, you have to trust them too." Gu Shengfeng knew that his younger sister was suspicious since she was a child, and it was normal for her to doubt Zimeng's purpose.

However, Gu Shengfeng knew that what Zi Meng and the others were doing now was for the Gu family, so Gu Shengfeng was willing to trust Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

Gu Shenglan's health has been bad, and Zimeng doesn't let her walk around casually, so she doesn't know what happened during this period.

And Gu Shengfeng also felt that there was no need to tell her about these things. Her health was already bad. He was worried that these things would make Gu Shenglan feel even more uncomfortable.

"Brother..." Seeing that Gu Shengfeng was determined to trust Zimeng and the others, Gu Shenglan was a little annoyed.

"Lan'er, don't say these words in the future, your health has been bad, take a good rest." Gu Shengfeng supported Gu Shenglan, and wanted to send her back to the room, but Gu Shenglan threw her away his hand.

Since she couldn't explain it, she didn't want to say anything more, enduring the discomfort in her body, Gu Shenglan walked back to the room by herself.

"Sister-in-law still don't believe them?" Gu Shengfeng's wife came out from behind and stood behind Gu Shengfeng.

"Yeah, Lan'er's temper, you know, I may not have time to be with her during this time, if you are free, just talk to her, don't let her sit there alone and think wildly."

Gu Shengfeng turned his head and looked at his wife helplessly, she nodded.

They have been husband and wife for so many years, how could she not know what Gu Shengfeng was worried about at this time?

"By the way, Miss Zimeng said that she can cure my sister-in-law's illness, can she let her..."

"During this period of time, they have been extremely busy with the affairs of the Gu family. Let's wait until this time is over." Gu Shengfeng also wanted Zimeng to treat Gu Shenglan as soon as possible.

However, he has seen the hard work of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, so how could he have the nerve to speak?

Moreover, his younger sister has always had opinions on Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, he is really in a difficult situation!
(End of this chapter)

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