Chapter 1098 High cultivation is useless

"I know that too, but seeing her recuperate in her room every day and not being able to go out makes my heart ache!" Looking at her husband, Gu Shengfeng sighed.

Gu Shenglan is his younger sister, seeing Gu Shenglan like this, he also feels distressed!But……

"Forget it, let's talk about this matter later, Miss Zimeng will definitely cure her illness, let's go back first."

After Gu Shengfeng and his wife left, Zi Meng came out of the hall and looked in the direction they left.

After sighing faintly, Zi Meng leaned against the door frame.

She didn't eavesdrop on purpose. With a certain level of cultivation, even if they weren't very close, Zi Meng could still hear what they were saying.

Therefore, after Gu Shengfeng left, Zi Meng could hear everything they said clearly, and the reason why they didn't come out was because Zi Meng didn't want to embarrass Gu Shengfeng.

Indeed, no matter who it is, they will not help a stranger for no reason, right?

The same is true for Zimeng, the reason why she tried her best to help the Gu family is because Feng Tianding is with her, and she owes the Gu family this.

It was impossible for her to return Feng Tianding, so she could only do what she could.

However, hearing the words being questioned, Zimeng still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart!
"Miss, do I need a cup of tea for you?" Seeing Zimeng standing there in a daze, Uncle Hong walked over slowly.

"No, thank you, Uncle Hong. By the way, let's clean up a few rooms. We should have guests coming soon."

Zimeng withdrew her thoughts and smiled at Uncle Hong. Seeing the smile on Zimeng's face, Uncle Hong nodded and prepared to leave.

"By the way, Uncle Hong, is there anything interesting here, of course, except the slave market and black market." Zi Meng asked lightly.

Think about it, these few days, her little friends are going to come here, where should I take them around?
Although there are many things in the black market, they are not good things. They are definitely not interested. As for the slave market, Zimeng is not going to let them go.

It's not a place where good kids can go, so you have to find a fun place!

"There is nothing interesting here. In the Zhuwu Continent, everyone pays attention to the cultivation base. Only a high cultivation base can have status here."

Hong Bo thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, Zi Meng also twitched the corners of his mouth, what's the use of high cultivation?
No matter where you are, if you want to survive, you can't just rely on high cultivation.

Afterwards, she will let the Ji family know this firm rule.

However, it can't be said that you can't rely on a high cultivation base. It's naturally better to play with a high cultivation base, isn't it?
"Miss, is there anything else?" Hong Bo looked at Zi Meng who was smiling.

"It's okay, thank you, Uncle Hong, you can go and do your work." Only then did Zimeng realize that there was Uncle Hong here, and she smiled embarrassedly at Uncle Hong.

After Hong Bo turned and left, the smile on Zi Meng's face became more sinister.

She is looking forward to the arrival of her little friends now, Zimeng still misses them very much after not seeing them for a while.

"Why are you standing here?" Di Yuanmo came back from his work, and saw Zimeng standing at the door in a daze, walked over, and hugged her into his arms.

"Of course I'm here waiting for you, Yuan, tell me, who did you call here?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo excitedly. She had been waiting for a long time, and what she wanted to know most now was Di Yuan. Who did Mo Du call?

(End of this chapter)

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