Chapter 1100 Send Her Back

Have a good time?
What is this saying?Said it was a good fight, but in fact, what Zimeng meant was that they could do whatever they wanted, right?

They all had some doubts. How did the people Zimeng was going to deal with this time provoke her?How could Zi Meng come up with such a scary thought?

The result of casual tossing is very serious, right?

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me so weirdly?" Zi Meng blinked in confusion, and looked at Ling Siyun and the others.

Ling Siyun and the others looked at her with weird eyes, as if she had done something strange, which made Zimeng very uncomfortable.

Zimeng dares to swear to God now, since she came here, she has always kept her own law and order, and she has never caused trouble.

"I thought that since you're married, you should be more stable, but I didn't expect that you still like to play so much." Mo Qiran looked at Zi Meng helplessly, and Zi Meng looked at them innocently, is that so?
She didn't think there was anything wrong, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, this is normal, right?
What's more, if those people didn't provoke her, she wouldn't have made Di Yuanmo work so hard to bring all these people here?

"How do you want to play? Count me in?" Mo Qiqi suddenly jumped out from behind Mo Qiran, startling Zi Meng.

Seeing Mo Qiqi's radiant gaze, Zi Meng quietly turned her head, ignored him, and looked at Mo Qiran.

"It's fine for you to come, why did you bring this thing here? Can she help? I think she is here to make trouble, and I am worried about what I will do later."

Zi Meng spoke very disrespectfully, and Mo Qiqi's shoulders suddenly collapsed. Is she as exaggerated as Zi Meng said?Really!

Although, her cultivation is not as good as theirs, but she won't be so bad as to make trouble, right?
Zimeng disliked her so much, it made her heart feel a little cold!It feels like the friendship between them is about to collapse because of Zimeng's attitude!
"I don't want her to come either, but she found me when I came out, so I must follow. I can't help it. If you can, please send her back."

Mo Qiran shrugged his shoulders, expressing his innocence, and at the same time, showing his dislike for Mo Qiqi, Zi Meng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, looking at Mo Qiqi, waiting for Mo Qiqi to give her an explanation.

"Is it really okay that you despise me so much?" Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng and Mo Qiran pitifully. Zimeng didn't speak, but just looked at her quietly, making her even more wronged.

"Little aunt, don't bully others as soon as you come here, okay? We are here to help, but you are still like this, is it really okay?"

Bei Liwan helplessly looked at Zimeng who had a smile in her eyes because of Mo Qiqi's grievances. She is addicted to bullying, she understands, but they didn't come here to be bullied by Zimeng, right?
"Okay, I won't tease you guys anymore, how is your home? Nothing wrong, right?" Zi Meng put away the teasing look on her face, and looked at Bei Li Wan with a smile.

"Everything is normal, but, recently, I have left everything to my brother, which has exhausted him." Bei Liwan sighed, but although she watched Bei Liyang work hard, she did not intend to help Bei Liyang .

Seeing Bei Liyang moaning and sighing all day long, she knew that Bei Liyang was working hard now!
However, she also knew that if she intervened in the family affairs, Bei Liyang would definitely leave the family affairs to her.

(End of this chapter)

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